𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞.

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School was over, and Sasha was waiting out side of the ice-skating place waiting for Marcy and Anne to show up. One thing that was on her mind was that pink letter that fell out of Marcy's bag.

Why the hell would that be in Marcy's bag?

God this was confusing.

Heather was standing beside her, of course she just had to tag along with them.

She still had the tape on her nose, her nose was ugly looking and a bit purple.

She kept talking about how pretty Sasha looked and kept staring at her body. Probably because of the muscles. It just made Heather look perverted, it wasn't even like when Marcy or Anne stared. When Marcy and Anne stared, they were innocent about it. When Heather stared, she just had to make it weird.

It made Sasha uncomfortable, Heather never understood boundaries or personal space. She was also a very pressuring person, it was never easy to tell her about something you did or didn't like because she would just keep insisting that it's okay for her to do that.

It was annoying when Heather got extremely close to her or kissed her cheek in front of Marcy or Anne.

Like, damn. It's not like I'm your fucking girlfriend.

Sasha looked up from her phone to see a black cab pull up in front of her. The door opened and Marcy and Anne appeared from behind it. Marcy had a grin on her face but it soon fell once her eyes landed in Heather.

'Really? Does she really have to follow after Sasha's every move? It's starting to get weird. I've got a feeling she's doing these things just to piss me off.' Marcy thought, frowning.

Marcy then took her attention off of Heather and went to give Sasha a big hug. During the hug, Marcy side-eyed Heather. Heather looked beyond pissed, but Marcy just gave her an evil smirk and her face turned as red as her hair.

Marcy then let go of Sasha and Anne came from behind her and hugged Sasha as well. Heather's face grew even more red as she saw the girls interactions.

Oh well, sucks for you bozo.

The four girls entered the building. Once they did everything they needed to do at the front desk, they got everything the needed to and went into the locker room. They put on their skates and headed into the ice skating rink.

They all then sat down on the seats and checked their shoes for any mistakes or any undone precautions. Then, Sasha opened her mouth to speak. "Well, Heather is gonna force me to skate with her, I just wanted to let the both of you know that I don't want to. She just makes it very hard to say no to her."

"It's fine, I know how it feels. Her friend group is constantly pressured by her too." Marcy responded.

"Thanks Marce, but one problem. I'm pretty sure she'd get on my ass if she falls and I don't help her, so how do I prevent her from falling?" Sasha questioned.

It pissed Marcy off. Heather was ruining their day. Sasha shouldn't have to worry about some bratty bitch falling. If it was Sasha that was falling Heather wouldn't help her for shit. Heather only likes Sasha for her looks and her wealth, if Sasha didn't look how she looks now then Heather wouldn't like her, she'd be picking on her actually. And if Sasha lost all her money Heather wouldn't like her for that either. And she knows Sasha doesn't share the same feelings that Heather shared with her, she knows that. But it still pissed her off that Sasha was forced to look after someone that was manipulative and didn't care for her as a person.

Marcy hated Heather. If Heather was falling from a cliff and Marcy had a chance to save her, she wouldn't.

They're all better off without her.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now