𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥.

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This chapter will have some foreshadowing in it, prepare for some spoilers to what's gonna happen in the future for marcy sash and Anne :) it also has some comedy.

After Sasha and Anne had headed their different ways, it was time for Marcy to go too. Marcy walked through the school exit and began walking to her house.

As she arrived in front of her house, she could see the both of her parents standing outside her house with their arms crossed and foot tapping on the ground with angry looks on their faces. "Marcy Wu get your tail over here!" Marcy's mom shouted.

Marcy got to the entrance of her house and stood in front of her parents like they demanded.

"You got detention! You fool! Your already messing up your perfect progress in school. Just wait until the whole family finds out about how much of a disappointment you've been lately!" Marcy's dad scolded.

"I'm sorry papa, I've tried my best." Marcy mumbled, looking down while gripping her skirt.

"You tried your best!? This isn't something you can undo! It goes in your permanent record you know!?" Marcy dad continued.

"Oh well it's fine, it'll come right back to you later on." Marcy's mom stated.

"It's like defeating something and it comes back for revenge and puts two people you care for in a coma and you have to stand over their sleeping bodies and beg for forgiveness for letting that happen to them! It's just like your grades!" Marcy's compared.

"Well, if you guys are going to complain then maybe I should just go up to my room and ignore you for the rest of the day." Marcy said.

Marcy pushed her parents out of the way of the front door and walked inside. "Get back here young lady!" Marcy's mom demanded.

Marcy ignored her mother's demand and headed upstairs to her bedroom. Once she got to her bedroom she walked inside and slammed the door shut behind her. She flopped onto her bed and groaned into her sheets. 'God I hate my life.' Marcy thought.

'There's always a problem with everything I do, I always have to live the way they want me to live. Nothings every fair, I can't even breathe without any of them having a problem with it.'

'They want me to be the "perfect smart girl," I'm not perfect, I'm Marcy. Anne and Sasha has opened my eyes to that fact.'

'God I don't even feel like doing my homework right now, I'll just wake up at like 5am to do it or something.'

Marcy snuggled up into her blankets and closed her eyes. After a few minutes, she dozed off.


*Knock Knock*


Marcy opened her eyes and rubbed her eyes to clear her vision. She woke up to notice that her whole room was dark, the only light available was the moon shining through her window with open curtains. Marcy turned her head to look the time in her alarm clock to see that it was 3:30 am. 'Three thirty am!? Who could be outside my window in the middle of the night!?' Marcy thought.

Annoyed and tired, Marcy got up and ambled to her window. It was a girl. It was quite hard for Marcy to grasp on who it was due to her blurry and spinning vision. Once her vision fully cleared, she finally grasped on who it was. Sasha Waybright. Except, the one and only Anne wasn't with her. 'Sasha? What could she be doing outside my window almost 4am? Do her parents know? Did she secretly do it? Are her parents worried about her? Are her parents looking for her right now...?'

The spinning thought roaming around in Marcy's head quickly came to a stop once The blonde opened her mouth to speak.

"Stop thinking about how gorgeous I am and open the window already! You know how cold it gets when it's late like this!" Sasha complained.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now