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"'Ad Astra per Aspera' is Latin for to the stars through difficulties. John James Ingalls coined the motto in 1861 stating, The aspiration of Kansas is to reach the unattainable; its dream is the realization of the impossible. According to the Office of the Governor of Kansas: This motto refers not only to the pioneering spirit of the early settlers but also to the difficult times Kansas went through before becoming a state"

I hear this morning from my dad. He's teaching history in a local high and always practicing with me before going to work

I sigh as soon as he closes the door. This whole morning was such a mess since the beginning when I used some white hand ointment in a tube and put it on my toothbrush. Yes, I was that sleepy. Then I got a text from my boss telling me to not come into work since they found some dead mouse in the kitchen and have to check it with professionals

So now, I am making myself some breakfast and coffee to calm down. I was excited to go into my job. I love meeting new people and being a waitress it's easy to get to know them. I work in the café since I got out of high school so it's not that long ago

I and a few other friends decided to go to college after saving some money to pay for it. It isn't like dad doesn't make money it's just not enough for me to go to college. I don't have a mom to work and save money so I have to do it myself

After breakfast, I walked up into my room and take a shower. I love the way the cold water runs down my spine. People are telling me that I'm weird taking cool showers but I think it's relaxing in the morning

I run my hands on my body washing it with my rose shower gel. I bit my lip when I looked at the tattoo on my right hip almost on my butt. I and my friend decided to do some crazy thing so I ended up with a tattoo saying 'kiss here'. My dad would kill me knowing I have some kind of tattoo so I've never told him

The door from my room closed shut I flinched and widened my eyes. Is that a kidnapper? Gosh, why didn't I lock the door? Should I lock the door? They heard the shower running

I looked at the doorknob that was slowly turning to the left side. My breath fastened as I grab the first thing I saw and stare at the door

"Babe- Ouch," the male voice said and held his forehead. I widened my eyes when I saw Henry with a shocked look. I tried to hold my laughter but ended up miserably as I held my stomach and almost ended up on the wet floor

"What the hell?" He chuckled and rubbed his forehead once again before picking up the bottle of shower gel and putting it on the sink

"What are you doing here you scared me to death" I laughed and kissed his lips as soon as he walked closer. My eyes flinched to his left eyebrow before directing my eyes to his again

"I saw your car on the driveway so I decided to check up on you" he pouted and kissed my jawline

"You're so kind" I smiled and bit my lip when his kisses went down my neck

He hummed "the best boyfriend you could have" he bit my skin and run his hands down my hips

I slowly reached for the hem of his shirt before taking it off his workout body and throwing it on the ground behind him

"I have work to go to, love" he mumbled into my neck

"You'll just come a bit late" I run my hand through his dark locks before undoing his pants

"Fine just ten minutes"

30 minutes later

"Fuck" I heard him curse as I was putting on some clothes "my boss is going to kill me" he quickly put on his jeans and then the white t-shirt

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