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Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than usual hope you don't mind xxx

Thank you for 200 reads <3



I walked out of the door to the big terrace right behind our house and sat on one of the chairs. The cold breeze made goosebumps on my uncovered hands. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes

The last time I was here was a few days ago, I go here to calm down. I'm angry at Henry. I hate the thought of him and Em having a baby. I should be the one who will give them to her not him

If she'd tell me she's having a baby with Henry, I would immediately move out of town and never come back. It would kill me knowing that it could be me caring the baby and playing with it. The baby calling me daddy and laughing adorably at my crazy faces

I breathed in heavily before taking the box of cigarettes out of my back pocket. I checked if anyone is outside and lighted the cig with the red lighter in my hand

No one knows I'm smoking. I told my mom I stopped years ago but I still smoke when I'm nervous or angry, or both...

I hate to wait until I know Emma's answer, I know I told her I can wait but it's eating me from inside. I love her and I hope she feels the same. The feeling grew up after she told me that she doesn't want to have kids with my brother

That was the best thing I could hear from her but I'll still talk to Henry about it. He can't force her into it when she doesn't even want to.

I took a long puff of the cig before blowing the smoke into the air. Gosh I missed you nicotine

"Asher?" A soft angelic voice called out of the door. It didn't take me long to know who it is

I quickly end the cig and throwing it on the floor before turning around to have a perfect view on the angel herself

"Y-yeah?" I tried to wave the smoke with my hands, it was dark so there can be possibility she didn't see anything

"Did you just smoke?" She walked out. The outfit she was wearing was killing me. The short shorts and a tight tank top. She is sleeping over tonight and it seems like she is going to bed soon

"Please get in, you'll get cold" I stood up and gently pushed her towards the door. Her uncovered feet made me slightly angry. I don't want her to catch a cold

"Answer my question" she walked closer to me, that close that she probably already smelled the smoke

"I don't do it often just sometimes" I tried but she huffed and looked at me angrily

"You know you shouldn't smoke because you have asthma, your doctor said it" she crossed her hands over her chest

"Oh come on don't listen to that old granny" I rolled my eyes "besides, the asthma is not that bad anymore" I sat down on the chair again and took out another cigarette

"Asher" Emma warned through gritten teeth. She stood there hands crossed, smoke almost blowing out of her ears

I lighted the cig and put it between my lips before taking a puff and blowing it into the cold air

"See? Nothing's happening" I shrugged and wanted to take another puff but Emma took the cigar from my hand and rub it against the table before throwing it on the ground

"I dare you to light another one" she said, her voice was the most scary thing in the world but what, I want to tease her

I stood up right in front of her, took the cigarette out of the box and started to light it with a lighter but she took the lighter form my hand and threw it on the ground making it explode

I stared at her wide eyes but she didn't even move, she just stood there looking into my eyes with that angry face

"What will you do now huh?" She raised her brow, tilted her head and walked around me towards the door but I stopped her by taking her wrist and spinning her around

Her chest bumped into mine making her huff and place her hand on my chest. She gripped my shirt like her live depends on it

"You're hot when you're angry" I whispered and leaned down so our noses were touching. She looked down at my lips before looking into my eyes again "let me kiss you" I traveled my hands up and down her waist. Trying to remember her every curve

"We shouldn't" she whispered hesitatingly back. She looked away for a second before looking back at me

"But you want to" I placed one of my hands on her cheek and stroke her gently with my thumb

She slowly nodded her head, her eyes saying words 'take me' all over again. I closed my eyes and leaned in but in that exact moment someone spoke up


He closed his eyes, and started to lean in. My heartbeat was beating like crazy just when the tiny little voice made me push Asher away and look at her

There stood Megan, with her favourite stuffed animal in her hand.

"Ashy will you please tell me the story before I go to sleep?" Asher's little sister pouted and looked at both of us. It seems like she didn't see anything or rather didn't mind because she looked sleepy as hell

Asher took a minute to get out of the trance we just had before answering:

"Of course pumpkin. Come on I'll carry you" Asher places Megan on his hip and last glanced at me before walking out of the door

I sat on the chair by the glass table, placed my pals on my chin and sighed. This whole thing is making me crazy. How can I decide between them? With Asher it's different than with Henry. Ash is making me think that I can be whoever I want to, like I can do whatever I want while Henry is making me think that there is not going to be any more surprises. Like this is how it will be for the rest of our lives

I used to feel free with Henry when we started dating so there is a possibility it'll end up with Asher just like with Henry?

Sighing, I stood up and walked up into Henry's room. He was already asleep snoring like a mad man. I don't want to listen to that anymore

I took my phone from the night stand and silently walked into Asher's room. He is still in Megan's room and probably fall asleep with her on her bed so I'll be here all by myself

The duvet covers he has are making me roll my eyes in pleasure. Never have I ever felt this comfortable than in this king sized bed

I lay down and snuggled more under the covers before the silent sleep quickly took over. Finally I don't have to listen to that annoying noise

I was almost in my REM sleep when the door opened. The light from the hallway lightened the bed so when Asher saw me he stood there silent before slowly closing the door and taking off his clothes

He lay into the bed next to me but was on the other side. Through all the manner I had, I turned around and placed my hand on his bare chest. His heart beated like crazy

I stroked his chest and kissed his shoulder "I'm choosing you"


Shorter chapter than usual, hope you don't mind <33

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