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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned and hit them with my hand almost making them fall

My head hurts like hell, all I remember is Henry coming here to apologize or whatever but the rest is in a blur

I was happy that things are okay between me and Henry so I decided to spend breakfast at his house

My phone ringed just as I was about to open the door. I sighed when I saw my boss's name on it

"Hey, Courtney can I help?" I sat on the couch, the phone against my ear

"Yeah, actually can you come here a bit earlier today? There is a bit messy in the kitchen after yesterday and no one else is picking up" she asked as I frowned silently

"Yes, sure I can. Be there in 20" I said and waited for the response before hanging up. I always do what she says to me so it wasn't any surprise that I agreed

I quickly jumped into my shower before dressing into my brown and green uniform and skipping down the stairs to the kitchen where I took an apple and run toward the stairs

I opened them quickly and was met with someone's hard chest. I shockingly looked up to be met with Henry. I smiled

"Hey, honey. I gotta go to work real quick but see you soon" I quickly kissed his cheek, hopped into my car, and started it while looking at confused Henry. I waved at him before taking off

I have 5 minutes left before I have to be there...

"Hey, Courtney" I smiled at my boss and hugged her. We have a really good relationship

"Hey Em. Can you clean that kitchen? I'll give you some more time on your lunch break" she winked as I chuckled

"There is no need to do that Court, I love this job" I grinned before taking the mop, broom, and dustpan  

When I walked into the kitchen, I immediately widened my eyes. How the hell did that dirt get here? I mentally asked but didn't say it out loud

I sighed and went to work


I finished right before the café opened so I cleaned myself and started the coffee machines along with the rest

Tessa, my friend is coming at 7 so I have to survive the whole boring hour when no one arrives but we open anyway because why not

Courtney had left when I finished cleaning so I'm all by myself silently singing some songs I don't even know

I sat on the chair hidden under the counter and rested my legs. Just as I was about to go to the toilet, Tessa walked in with a smile on her face

"Hii" she greeted and went over to hug me.

Tess is my friend since middle school, we know each other since I was six and she was seven. We grew up together; our moms were besties just like us but it wasn't like it used to be after the incident. I and Tess see each other just at work or sometimes when we have time to hang out

"Hey beautiful, how are you" I hugged her back

"Usual, you?"

"Just normal, but gimme a second I have to use a restroom real quick" I quickly run to the toilet hearing my friend laugh from behind me

After we talked out new things that happened in our lives while serving coffee and a few donuts, I left work to get home.

The ride was endless even though it was just 5 minutes. I send a text to my dad that I'm going to Henry's before jumping out of the car and entering the house

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