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It was the weekend now, my dad is coming home in a few hours.

After Asher kissed me few days ago, I didn't know what to do. He took me off guard, we were just in our underwear and the things went bad...

Few days ago

He looked up into my eyes before smashing his lips on mine. The feeling was familiar but I can't tell I missed it. Henry would be angry if I'd tell that.

He groaned when I didn't kiss him back, I was frozen, I couldn't move. His sudden move was too much for me.

Even tho the kiss was sweet and temping, I pushed him by his chest before my lips kissed him back and trust me they wanted to

"I-I don't want to do the same mistake twice" I looked down on his naked chest. I was too sure of my words to look up to his eyes

"It wasn't a mistake, and you know it" he raised my chin by his fingers and forced me to look at him

I gulped and shook my head while looking away again. "I love Henry" I said but there wasn't any sureness in my voice

"No you don't" he shook his head right after I finished the sentence "you don't love him. Maybe you used to at the start but it just got odd with him, same routine, arguing, fucking but nothing in between. There is no spontaneity, no happiness, you don't enjoy your relationship with him. But with me-"

"Stop it" I cut him off "stop it. You don't feel anything to me, you just want someone to play with" I chuckled dryly and stood up to pick my clothes

"You're not just a toy, you're someone who gives me happiness, I love the time I spent with you. When you smile or even glare at me like you want to kill me. I love everything about you, everything you do. Please give me a chance" he stopped me from leaving his room by getting in front of me

He looked at me pleadingly, his lips were parted and his chest rose up and down quickly but everyone would say he's nervous by the way his eyebrows are scrunched

"I-I please let me go" I said more softly and bit my lip

"Promise me you'll think about it" he leaned down on my eye level and looked deep into my eyes "please"

I took a deep breath and slowly nodded my head "fine, I'll think about it" I said in a whisper. Asher smiled at me before letting me out from his room before anyone would wake up


I was thinking about it a lot. The thought of being with someone other than Henry is weird. I'm used to being with Henry, but what would happen if I'd break up with him? Obviously I'm not happy in our relationship, and it's that obvious that even Asher found out

Asher. The man who is slowly but surely stealing my heart. Henry isn't fighting for our relationship so why should I? Aston seems like he cares, like he would do anything to be with me. Henry is taking me like a matter of course. He doesn't care about how am I feeling. Asher was right, we're just fighting or fucking, nothing in between

The rang from the downstairs brought me out of my thoughts. Did I really thought about it for that long?

I walked down the stairs and immediately smiled when I saw my dad. I'm not sure why he rang a bell but I'm happy he's here

"Dad!" I shouted and jumped up on him, my legs wrapped around his torso while my hands squeezed his neck to death

"Hey, munchkin" dad chuckled and put me down after a bug bear hug "how were you? Any news?" He said as he took off jacket and shoes

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