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It was Saturday. After I found out about Asher and I that day, I tried to avoid him as much as I could and the same with Henry.

I didn't talk to him ever since I got to work on Wednesday, also the day I found out. I was very pissed at Asher and angry at Henry that he still didn't apologize for what he said about me and Ash. It's just too complicated

Dad told me this morning that there are some tough exams in the neighbour country and he has to be there so he won't come until next week

I don't mind having the house for myself but with the things that are happening I don't know if I could take it on my own so I decided to get some help

I packed my bag and locked the house before jumping into my car and getting out of the driveway. I saw Asher looking at me from his room window and I fought the urge to show him my middle finger. I'm not that childish

Shacking my head, I stepped on the gas and drove of to the place I often go to when I have crisis


After 2 hours drive, I finally made it to the little modest house. I smiled as soon as I saw the golden retriever jumping behind the fence barking at me

I hopped out of the car and took my bag before locking the vehicle and walking towards my gold buddy

"Hey Charlie" he sniffed my hand before licking if. He jumped on me as soon as I opened the garden door "I missed you too buddy" I stretched the top of his head while he tapped his paw against the floor

"Emma!" Shouted a middle aged lady as soon as she opened the door. I quickly stood up and run towards her

"Hey auntie Jen" I hugged her tightly while Charlie jumped on us, joining the hug

"What are you doing here hun? Something happened?" She asked and let me inside the house. I immediately smelled the smell of wood and fire. Oh how I missed this place

"Well, sorta" I nervously played with my fingers while looking down. She gave me her best 'i understand' look

"Go get into your room and unpack your stuff I'll make a coffee. See you in 20" she kissed my forehead and walked into the kitchen while I smiled and walked upstairs into the room I'm always in when I decide to sleep over

I looked at the pictures above the stairs when I walked up into the first floor. The photos of me, my dad and auntie brought a smile on my face.

Aunt Jen is dad's younger sister, they grew up together and are still talking to each other when they can. Me and auntie had always great relationship, I literally grew up with her before she moved out of the town with her husband who died few years ago on cancer. She was deep depressed about it so I came here every month to raise her mood

After the years, I always come here when I need advice knowing she's the only woman by blood I have ever since mom died. We were here for each other and there is nothing to change that

I walked into the empty little room with just a bed and a closet. I love this room. When I was younger I used to hate it because there was a view right into the woods which I was scared of but now, it's always relaxing when I looked out of the window

I slide my hand on the window frame and smiled at the memories I had in here since my childhood. This is the place where I managed to hit my head while running out of the window when my dad chased after me to tickle me

I used to hide under the bed in every storm I survived in this almost secret cabin in the middle of the forest by the lake. The lake I used to swim but stopped after my dad made a joke about the loch Ness in there. I'll never forgive him that

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