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I came home on Sunday. Auntie wished me good luck with my problems before she went to work

The time I arrived on my porch, I heard someone shutting their doors and yelling:

"Em can we talk?" The well build son of a bitch asked as soon as he reached me

I sighed and bit my lip. Now of never Emma

"Yeah come in," I said in a low voice and unlocked the door with the bag still on my shoulder

"Here let me help" he wanted to take the bag off my shoulder but I turned around before he could

"I don't need your help" I clenched my jaw and walked upstairs to throw the dirty laundry into the washing machine and turn it on

"Please let me explain" he begged as soon as I walked out of the bathroom. He sat on my bed with hands placed on his knees

"I'm listening" I shrugged and sat on the opposite side of the bed.

"I.." he took a deep breath before continuing "like you" he pursed his lips and looked up at me

The look on my face soon changed once it was confusing, then shocking, and in the end, I was angry. Angry at what he did just to have me, just to have sex with me. He's such a douche who just think about himself

"Are you for real right now?" I chuckled the anger showing in my eyes. "You" I pointed my finger at his chest "did that just to fuck me. You are so selfish, just thinking about yourself and your needs" the guilt flashed through his eyes when I said that

"You weren't thinking about me, about what this will end. About how will I or Henry react? You were just thinking about how will you enjoy this all watching my relationship falling apart because of you" I stood up and crossed my hands over my chest

He stood up too but the nervousness in his eyes was pretty obvious "i-i like you" he said again but this time not so sure about it. Why does he act so good when he's not

"No, you don't. You wouldn't do that if you'd like me!" I shouted and pushed his chest but he catch my wrists and backed up

"I like you. I know it for a long time. I liked you ever since I met you but you were too into my annoying of a brother to see it" he said through gritted teeth as my back hit the wall "I know you don't like him like you used to. I can see it in your eyes and the way you're always fighting. He doesn't deserve you" he pinned my hands over my head to the wall

"Let me go" I clenched my jaw while fighting the tears. He never acted like that except these days

"When you admit that you like me, then I'll let you go," he said and moved his face closer to mine

I shifted under his touch but it only tightened "I don't like you" I blurted out into his face and shifted more only to fail

"Prove it"

I furrowed my eyebrows "how can I prove such a thing?" I asked annoyed

"Kiss me, when you won't feel the butterflies, then you don't like me. When you won't moan, you don't like me. When your body won't shiver from my touch, you don't like me" he whispered into my ear and I already felt goosebumps on the back of my neck. Hopefully, he didn't see it

"I don't have to prove it to you. You have my word, that's all you will get" I got your of his grip quickly when he didn't expect it and walked over to my bed "besides, I won't make the same mistake twice. I don't want to cheat on my boyfriend that I love" the word love was like it triggered something in him because as soon as I finished the sentence, Asher speed-walked towards me so fast that I stumbled and fall on my bed

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