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"The prince Frank saved the princess named Harper as they both lived happily ever after. And you want to know how they live now?" I asked as Meg nodded with a smile on her face "they are right here, having the boys named Asher and Henry and the cutest daughter named Megan. Living like they always wanted" I finished as she grinned and hugged me 

"Thank you Ashy" I smiled and kissed her forehead before leaving her room. It is now a few minutes past eleven. Her insomnia is getting better but she still has the bad dreams about the people she knows 

I sighed and walked into my room. I crossed past Henry's room and prayed not to hear the two of them doing something that I don't approve which is practically everything

As I was about to turn the lights in my room, the body in my bed stopped me in my tracks. I watched her a few more seconds before silently closing the door and making myself comfortable for bed. 

I layed on the other side of bed, don't want to make her uncomfortable and closed my eyes. That was when I felt her moving

She put her hand on my chest and her head on my shoulder "I'm choosing you" she whispered before kising my shoulder and going back to sleep. 

It took me a while to absorb the words she just said. I widened my eyes and started to panic. She is choosing me! She fucking choose me over my brother that she is with for like three years! What the hell? I'm gonna faint.  

I took a deep breath and actually calmed myself after few minutes. I turned around and pushed her closer to my chest before falling asleep

I loved her for so long and now, she is feeling something back. This is the best moment of my live. Better than when I first fucked a girl, better when megan first held my thumb when she was in the hospital. this is the best feeling ever


Few days later 

The relationship between me and Em only grow since she told me. We decided to take it slow and don't tell my brother until she is ready which I don't mind. I love her and would do anything for her. 

We didn't had sex yet. As I said, we're taking it very slow as if we don't know each other at all.

Now, we're in my room. She sneaked out of her house at night and through my window so Henry who is downstairs won't see her. She's a bit crazier than I thought...

"So, what are we" She asked all of a sudden. I was stroking her head that was on my lap while we watched the TV

I turned off the TV with a remote before looking down at her

"you said you want to take it slow" I chuckled down at her 

"Yeah I know I'm just curious" She shrugged as if nothing happened 

"And what do you want us to be?" I tilted my head and put the strand of her hair behind her ear

"I don't know? Something more than friends but I don't know how to say it to Henry" She said sadly and turned her head so she faced my bare stomach 

"We'll find a way to tell him, sweetheart" I leaned down and kissed the place above her ear. She looked up at me and sat up. Her side faced me, she bowed her head. I know her enough to say she wants me to do it again

I kissed her tample "You don't know how beautiful you look right now" I whispered into her ear and could see the goosbumbs on her neck "You like that?"I teased and gently kissed her neck

She hummed in response and closed her eyes. I smirked for myself and kissed her neck with my tongue. She moaned as soon as I found her sweet spot. 

I stopped myself from getting hard, put her on my lap and pressed her body against mine. 

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