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I watched as my brother was leaving before turning back to Emma. She was still on the floor, her cheek started to show some colours than it was few seconds ago

The wave of emotions that flew through me made me silently shiver. How could she do that? How could she cheat on me? With my brother? That's even worse

I clenched my fists but as I good man I was raised, I helped Emma up before taking my anger away

"How could you?!" I shouted, trying to control my voice but I couldn't. I know my sister is asleep but I care less about anything right now

She just silently stood there, looking down on the floor with her hand holding her elbow. She does that when she's nervous

"Y-you just took our three years old relationship and threw it out of the window just because you like to fuck my brother?!" I took a step closer while she took a step back

"I don't just fuck him, there are feelings for some time. I can't help them" she whispered but her eyes never met mine. She stared at the wooden floor like it was the most interesting thing ever

"I wanted to have kids with you" I said, a bit more silently. I think I feel sorry for her. I can't forgive her for what she is doing but I can tell how she feels

Her soft sob made me step closer and held her by her face to look at her. Her eyes were red, she regrets what she did but as I said before, I can't forgive her just like that

"I know, I'm sorry. I just don't feel the same for you anymore" she shook her head and looked away again

"How long exactly is it lasting?" I asked, not even knowing if I'd like the answer. What if she did it with some other guys too?

"W-we started one week ago but there was something way before" she cried and bit her lip. Her cheeks turned slightly red from tears and her eyes started to get swollen

I closed my eyes and inhaled

"I'm broking up with you" I said, trying to sound confident but inside I was broken. All the memories we made together flew around me like in some fucking cartoon.

All she did was nod. I sighed before walking out of the room, with a slam. I still have so much anger in me

I love her, even tho she doesn't feel the same. I loved her ever since I met her until now and I didn't even realised she feels the same I do for her to my brother

She fucking loves my brother. The guy who is stealing girls from me ever since we were thirteen

I hit the wall in my room with a loud groan making a hole big as my fist into it. I have to take it out


I have to take it out

As soon as I heard Henry hitting the wall, I picked my things and left the house as silent as possible so Asher in the kitchen won't notice. My boots were off and I didn't bother to put them on

I quickly ran down the porch and into my house where I changed into my sport shorts and shirt

The weather started to get colder here and then but it was still warm outside. I put on my sneakers before sitting into the car and driving away. Dad is fast asleep by now so he didn't hear me closing the door

I put the car into the driveway in front of the gym centre that is opened 24/7. I got in and registered before going straight to the punching bag

There are few people running the treadmill or lifting dumbbells but either way, it's completely empty

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