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(not edited)

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It's definitely just a game...

I had night shift the next day when suddenly, Asher walked into the café. His face was without emotions before his eyes set on me. He smiled and walked towards the counter while I stared at him murderously

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes, the annoyed tone in my voice can be clearly heard

I will not play the little game of his

He smirked at me as soon as I rolled my eyes, his brown orbs flashed me an amused expression.

"I'd like a coffee" he hand me five dollar bill and went to sit down on one of the tables

"I'm sorry but you're in a café, you have to be more specific" I raised a brow at him

"I don't care just give me something that I won't puke after drinking it" he smirked more as the dimple in his right cheek showed. Henry has it too but just on his left one. Another thing that they don't have in common besides the eyebrow

I rolled my eyes again and mumbled something under my breath before making him a normal coffee.

As soon as it was finished, I checked if he's looking before spitting into the coffee and quickly mixing it with a tea spoon. Never annoy your waiters...

After I placed the coffee on the table in front of him along with sugar, I walked back behind the counter and clean the mess he made.

Most often, no one really comes here after 11pm so I just clean the machine knowing I won't want to do it later before leaving but this douchebag decided to come 20 minutes before I have to leave

Ten minutes after, I just took a broom and started to clean up knowing very well he just wants to annoy me with his presence

He was quiet the whole time, just looking at me sipping from the coffee like there was not my DNA in the cup. I quietly chuckled at it. He didn't even notice

"What's so funny" he curiously asked ending the coffee.

"Nothing" I chuckled again and took the cup from his table to wash it but he took it himself and walked behind the counter and washed it. I stared at him for a few more seconds before continuing on wiping the dirty floor

As soon as I heard the water turn off, I felt two arms grabbed around my waist from behind. I flinched at his sudden move and jumped away from him staring at him wide eyes

"Wh-at what was that" I stuttered while gulping the saliva in my throat. I thought he'd look at me with a smirk or whatever he would do but he looked at me sadly

"I just saw a spider on your hip" he cleared his throat absolutely lying but I just nodded my head and continued to broom until the floor was clean

"What are you doing here anyway" I wondered and put the broom on its place

"I came here to take you home" he shrugged as I stared at him shocked. He? Wanting to give me a ride?

"No thanks" I huffed and went to check if everything is okay before taking the keys and walking out of the café, Asher right behind me

"Come on, there is a storm outside and I know your car is in car repair"

"I don't need your ride Asher, I can walk it's just 30 minutes walk" I mumbled and turned the alarm on putting on the code before closing and locking the door

The rain is worse than I thought, the rain drops are making sound like milions of people in football stadium cheering for their favourite scoring the goal

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