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I woke up when I heard my phone going off.

I reached for my phone and saw dad's number on the display. The smile immediately appeared on my face

"Hey dad" I lay my head back on bed

"Hey honey, I'll be there in a few" my dad's voice said and I widened my eyes. There is so much mess from my alcoholic session, I won't clean it in a few

"I- okay dad, see ya" I said before hanging up and standing up

Asher wasn't by my side anymore so I guess he went home or whatever

I made my way downstairs to start to clean up but Asher holding the broom humming the song 'I want to break free' by queen made me stop in tracks

The house was all clean and tidy. No bottles in my sight. No pizza boxes on the floor nor drops of alcohol on the table

I didn't wait a second and run up to him when he had his back to me and jumped on him, swinging my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck

He was taken back because he didn't see me at all but then he held my legs and chuckled

"Thank you thank you thank you sooo much for cleaning I love you!" I shouted but stopped when I realized what I just said

"You're welcome sweetheart, but I hope I'll get something for it" he put me down to turn around and look at me

I bit my lip and swung my hands around his neck and leaned closer. Just when I was about to kiss him, the front door opened revealing my dad with a suitcase in his hand

I quickly made a step away from Asher and run towards dad and jumped on him

"Hiiiii" I said excitedly and squeezed him with my eyes shut

"Hey, pumpkin. I have a surprise for you" my dad let me down before stepping away showing me a beautiful woman.

Her brown locks reached her shoulders, her perfect body for a woman around 40's and her shiny big green eyes. She was smiling at me nervously, don't knowing what I'll do

"Emma this is Rebecca, Rebecca, this is Emma" my dad said as I looked up at her ones more. She is bigger than me but the heels she's wearing are making her bigger

"Hey Rebecca, it's nice to finally meet you" I shook her hand smiling. She smiled back, the look of relief in her face

"What if we'll go make coffee while the two of them get to know each other more?" Asher asked my dad who nodded.

He quickly greeted Rebecca telling her his name and shacking her hand before leaving with dad to the kitchen

I helped Rebecca with her suitcase and sat her into the living room

"So, was it your boyfriend who greeted me?" She asked as I blushed.

"Um, it's kinda complicated but you can say we're in some kind of relationship" I nodded my head while slightly smiling

"That's great!" She grinned "we can sometimes go on a double date" she joked as we both laughed

"What are you all laughing about?" My dad asked as he and Asher walked into the room with coffees in their hands.

Asher handed one to me while dad handed one to Rebecca

"Just some stuff" I answered and we all started about some new topic

"So how did you two met?" Asher broke the silence

Dad looked at Rebecca lovingly before smiling "I was in New York few weeks back and Rebecca was there too. She was talking about some stuff in front of the class but all I was thinking about was how beautiful she looks" he finished and I immediately smiled holding the tears. I'm always emotional in these kind of situations

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