before reading

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Hello everybody! Before I will talk about this book I wanted to thank my friend who gave me her idea for this book! I love you so much, Elis! I know you probably won't read this but you mean a really lot to me... Okay, let's get back to the book 😂😅

As you probably read from the description, this book is about a girl named Emma, she is 19 and works at the local café. She is dating a handsome boy named Henry.

Once Henry and Emma fight over something there will appear Asher, Henry's identical twin but also the boy who secretly likes Emma

That night, something will happen. Emma didn't know about the shit she got into when she opened the door for him. But she didn't know, right?


Oooookay, I hope you like the idk what it is. This is the book I hope will get the fans that it deserves. Maybe I have my highs hope but I trust this book so please give it a chance, it's starting to get 'interesting' in the second chapter but you know...

I'd love you if you leave some comments <33

Love you

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