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⏰day 2

Johanna and I walk along the beach with a half empty coconut.

"So, what's going on with you and Katniss." She bluntly asks.

"What do you mean."

"Come on, it's obvious. We're in a death game and you're fawning over Miss Girl on Fire."

"...Maybe a little." I confess.


The rest of the group joins us on the beach, sitting along the shore. Johanna gives Katniss her water before taking a seat beside her.

I gesture Eight away from Finnick so that she can come with me. All games she hasn't spoken a word, but she's the only one who I feel like being around half of the time. She's so tiny and kind, I'll never forgive whoever put her in here.

I walk her to the water, just at the tip of the waves, and we sit down. She sits criss crossed between my knees, facing the calm ocean. I play with her hair, braiding and smoothing it as she eats her fish. I can't get the lingering thought of Zero out of my head, her shouts. I think that'll haunt me for the rest of my life.

'Jabber-Jay's copy'

It kept playing over and over in my head, sending me into a silent panic. My palms go clammy as the thought of her being a pawn in the capitol's game overtakes me.


"Florence!" I hear Finnick call me.

I turn around and he waves his arm at me, queuing me to come over. I lightly tap Eight's back, and we walk to the 5 tributes on the sand.

"He has a plan." Finnick gestures toward Beetee.

"Where do the Career's feel safest?" He starts, The jungle."

"But the jungle's a nightmare." Johanna remarks.

"Probably here on the beach." Peeta says.

"Then why aren't they hear?"

"Because we are, we claimed it." Johanna says back to Beetee.

"And if we left it, they would come?"

"Or stay hidden in the treeline." Finnick chimes in.

Beetee goes on to explain this grand plan. We leave the beach at dusk and head to the lightning tree, drawing careers back to the beach. Before midnight, we run wire from the tree to the water. Consequently, at 12, anyone in the water or the damp sand will be lit the fuck up, electrocuted. He tells Johanna that the wire won't burn because he invented it, smart guy.

We all look at each other, contemplating the plan. It's a straight yes from me.

"Yea why not." Katniss finally speaks up. "If it fails, no harm done anyway, right?"

"I say we try it." Peeta says.

"What can we do to help?" I ask Beetee.

"Keep me alive for the next 6 hours? That would be extremely helpful." He says.

I softly laugh before


As nighttime creeps upon us, the sun lowers from view. Finnick and I twirl our weapons on shore, letting the waves rush over our ankles.

"We both know what happens next." I say, not breaking my gaze from the sea.


"Only one person is walking out of here."

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