Chapter 12: A Lesson about Cybertron

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Optimus picks Graham up and sets him back on Wheeljack's shoulder.

"Why are you stopping me from helping my girl...I mean best friend," Graham asks.

"I want to ensure you weren't late for school. I know your Earth parents wouldn't like it," Optimus says.

"Just because you're my Cybertronian father doesn't mean you can suddenly start acting like it instead of the leader of Autobots," Graham says, doing his best to hide the fact he's blushing from almost calling Sabrina his girlfriend.

"I'm capable of doing both," Optimus says.

"Whatever," Graham says, rolling his eyes, "Ratchet, you said you'd tell me what sparkmate is," Graham says, quickly changing the subject.

"I did say that," Ratchet says, "A sparkmate is essentially like a wife or husband on Earth. Their sparks are bonded, creating a bond between the two to sense each other's emotions and pain and even speak telepathically." Ratchet explains.

"So, Sabrina might think of you as more than best friends, or haven't you noticed that she acts differently when you are around," Cliff asks.

"Yes, I have, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. I mean, we've known each other since we were five," Graham says.

"You two have changed since you were kids. You never know. Taking this step could make the bond of friendship between the two of you even stronger," Optimus says.

"Maybe, but I don't want to force Sabrina into something she isn't comfortable doing," Graham says,

The bots didn't know that Sabrina didn't run away too far. She was in a room close enough to hear the entire conversation since the door to the room was a jar.

Even if he has noticed how I act around him, I can't tell him how I feel I can't. Besides, I don't want any more change thrown at me. Even though I did feel safe sleeping in his arms last night. Sabrina thinks.

Back in the main room, Optimus decides to change the subject again, "Wheeljack could you escort Graham to school,"

"I guess I could, but he has an earth car he can drive," Wheeljack says.

"I did have one, the breaks went out on it last week, and I was lucky I didn't crash, so it's in the shop," Graham says.

"Wouldn't that mean Wheeljack is Graham's guardian now since he did rescue him from the cons," Cliff says.

"Slow down, Cliff. I never said I would stay permanently," Wheeljack says.

"You could bunk with me," Cliff says.

"I could. I mean, energon is in short supply." Wheeljack says.

"It would be prudent for you to become Graham's guardian. Wheeljack, your earth-based vehicle mode blends in much better in the school parking lot than my own," Optimus says.

"Graham, before you go, take this with you," Ratchet says, handing him a water bottle.

"What is it?" Graham asks.

"It's an energon formal safe for you to consume to keep your energon levels steady thought out the day," Ratchet says.

"Will it help to keep me from changing while I'm at school," Graham asks.

"It should. I can't figure out if your Cybertronian side only activates when your levels are low or if there is another trigger," Ratchet says.

"I'll keep it on me regardless," Graham says.

Wheeljack sets Grham down on the floor, transforms, and opens the passenger side door. Graham begrudgingly gets in, closes the door, and buckles up. He looks to his right to see Wheeljack turn on his holofrom for the first time. He is a 5'5.5" boy in his early twenties with short back hair and dark brown eyes. He is wearing gray pants, a t-shirt, and a jacket matching the paint of his vehicle mode.

"Wow, with that look, you can pass for one of my older cousins," Graham says.

"That's cool, so Cliff mentioned that Sabrina gave his holoform a human name. What should mine be?" Wheeljack asks.

"How about Jackie," Graham says.

"Naw, I only let Bulk call me that since we are like brothers," Wheeljack says.

"Okay, I'll think of one once we get to school," Graham replies.

In Ravenwood, Natasha is upset that her parents told her she had a sister but didn't want her to find her. The teen decides she is playing hooky and going to Jasper to find her sister. She packs some snacks into her backpack and is about to sneak out her bedroom window when her brother walks into her room.

"You aren't going to stop me," Natasha says.

"Why would I? I mean, it was wrong for our parents to split you two up, and they always said that family needs to stick together, so get going. I'll tell them you went to Zoey's for breakfast and carpooled to school," Christan says.

Natasha runs up and hugs her brother, "Hey, stop acting all mushy. You need to get going before mom and dad wake up," Cristan says, pushing his sister away.

Natasha remembers there is a footpath leading to Jasper. She gets halfway down it when a sharp pain flows from her hand to her left shoulder. Natasha looks at her arm to see it has a metallic appearance. It is mostly blue, but her shoulder and the top plate covering the back of her hand are red.

"Now what? I can't go anywhere with my arm looking like this; what am I supposed to do? Sis, I hope our twin powers can send you this message if you're out there. Please help me, " Natasha nervously says to herself.

Back at the Autobot base, Sabrina yells out in pain as her left arm starts to hurt. Then she hears a voice in her head, "Sis, if you can hear me, please help me,"

Sabrina wasn't sure if the pain was now causing her to hear the voice in her head, but she decided to talk to the voice anyway.

"If you're my sis, what's your name?' Sabrina asks.

"It's Natasha, and I live in Ravenwood. What's your's?" the voice responds.

"It's Sabrina, so how come I can hear your voice in my head," Sabrina asks.

"I think it's our twin powers, but please help me. I don't know how much longer I can tolerate this pain," Natasha says.

"Where are you?" Sabrina says.

"I'm..." Natasha says as her voice fades away.

Sabrina gets to her feet as fast as possible and then runs out to the main room. Cliff catches her in his right hand as she collapses from over-exerting herself.

"Are you okay?" Cliff asks.

"Yeah, I just had a conversation with my sister, but it was in my head," Sabrina says.

"Twins on Cybertron share a split spark, so you can talk to each other psychically like Sparkmates can," Ratchet explains.

"Okay, so they can feel each other's pain, too," Sabrina asks.

"Yes, so what did your twin say?" Optimus asks.

"Just her name is Natasha, and she needs help," Sabrina replies.

"Where is she?" Cliff asks.

"I don't know. Her voice faded away before she could tell me," Sabrina says.

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