Chapter 5: Questions Answered

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They soon arrive at the base. Sabrina sees Miko and Jack get off Arcee before Rafael gets out of Bumblebee. Cliff picks up Sabrina and places her on his shoulder.

"Arcee, you said there were two boys," Ratchet says.

"Miko probably just eavesdropped on a conversation and saw Arcee," Sabrina says.

"Wow, Sabrina, you're good," Arcee says.

"Thanks, Arcee," Sabrina says.

"How do you know her name?" Jack asks.

"She and Cliff helped my brother and me out yesterday after I picked him up from preschool," Sabrina says.

"I take it, Cliff, is the bot's shoulder your sitting on?" Jack asks.

"Yes," Sabrina says.

"So what's in your water bottle? It looks like cool-aid. Can I have some?" Miko asks.

"No, my dad made it, so it tastes terrible," Sabrina says.

"So when will Optimus give us the rundown on why you guys are here? I need to practice my violin to prove to Priscilla Collins that I am a better musician than she is." Sabrina says.

"Who is this Priscilla Collins person?" Cliffjumper asks.

The group turns around when Optimus walks into the room.

"Cliffjumper, you will have to wait a few minutes before Sabrina can answer your question." The leader speaks.

"So, what planet are you robots from?" Sabrina asks.

"Cybertron." Cliffjumper answers.

"Is Cybertron made of metal and has a building where tiny robots play like Earth daycare?" Sabrina asks.

"Yes, it is. How did you know that?" Cliffjumper asks.

"I've had many weird dreams lately, that's all," Sabrina replies.

"Why are you and the others here on Earth, Optimus?" Rafael asks.

"Cybertron does not have the means to support life after centuries of war," Optimus answers. "We are also here to protect your planet from the Decepticons."

"I take it the Decepticons are those purple cars that tried to blast Brandon and me yesterday," Sabrina says.

"Yes. Where is your little brother?" Optimus asks, not seeing the child with Sabrina.

"Dad is watching him. I only babysit Brandon when he or mom works late." Sabrina says. "Besides, I can tell by Ratchet's response when Jack and the others arrived. He wouldn't like having another human in the base younger than us. Not to mention extremely energetic and incredibly annoying," Sabrina adds.

"Come on, Sabrina, the kid, can't be all that bad," Cliffjumper says.

"What caused the war to break out on your planet? What were you fighting over?" Raphael asks.

"Over our planet's supply of energon," Optimus answers.

"I take it energon is your version of blood. If you don't have it flowing inside your body, you can't function." Sabrina says.

"Exactly, Sabrina. Wow, you are smart." Cliffjumper compliments, gaining a smile from Sabrina.

Optimus continues to explain what happened during the war on Cybertron. Miko starts to get bored and asks if there will be a quiz after he finishes his lecture. Sabrina gives her a friendly shove before she asks the most important question.

"Why did you bring us here? We didn't do anything wrong except for Miko. The rest of us were in the wrong place at the wrong time." She asks Optimus.

"I fear that Megatron may return to seek revenge. If he does, your planet could become like Cybertron, barren and unable to support life." Optimus says.

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