Chapter 7: Running Away from The Truth

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Sabrina knows that listening in on their conversation is wrong, but Mr. and Mrs. Tucker told her several times that secrets and family don't go together. She figures it's a lie, and they don't consider her an actual household member. She's just another family's mistake. They choose to take in and raise instead. She looks in the mirror and frowns as she sees her reflection.

'Should I stay to let "my parents" explain why they did not want to tell me that I'm not their biological daughter and Brandon isn't their biological son?' Sabrina thinks.

Sabrina picked up her toothbrush and refused to smile when she brushed her front teeth. Two minutes late, she goes back to her room and sees the glow-in-the-dark stars that Mr. and Mrs. Tucker put up over her bed when she was three to help her overcome her childish fear of the dark. They spell out, "I Love You." She decides it's time to take them down since she's overcome her fear, plus she's sixteen, and glow-in-the-dark stars are for kids Brandon's age to second grade tops.

'Just another thing on the list of stuff "my parents" forgot to do. They should have taken them down when I was six, so I have to do it myself.' Sabrina thinks.

She tiptoes down the stairs and gets the step ladder and everything else she needs for her project. Then she goes back to her room to get started. By midnight, she's happy with her work. Sabrina even removed all the glue off the ceiling without taking much of the paint. She puts a fresh coat of paint on it to be on the safe side. She then heads back downstairs to put everything away. Sabrina angrily throws the stars away in the trash can outside, so Mr. and Mrs. Tucker can't find them.

She then goes to bed around one am since her mind refuses to shut down. Sabrina wakes up from a dream about discovering that her birth parents are searching for her, almost like they didn't want to send her away. She realizes she's not emotionally ready to hear the truth and why her adoptive parents kept this information a secret. Grabbing her phone off the nightstand before seeing it was 5:30 am. She sets the phone down and stretches before getting out of bed. She changes into a plain blue t-shirt, jeans, and hiking shoes.

Sabrina grabs the Army backpack packing it with the fully stocked tactical trauma kit, some extra clothes, enough food to last her through the weekend, a water bottle, her violin case, and some sheet music. She removes the portfolio from the desk drawer and puts it in the outside pocket. She then sneaks out through her bedroom window - again.

'I should leave a note. I don't want anyone to find me. I need time to figure things out.' Sabrina thinks before writing a quick note and laying it on the bed.

Sabrina looks back one more time before she runs away. She's afraid that once her "parents" tell her. All she is going to do is want to find out everything she can about her birth parents.

'It's better for everyone if I leave. That way, they can have another daughter who can do everything I can't, like passing on all their good genes to the next generation. I'm better off by myself. I need to figure out my purpose and who I am.' Sabrina thinks.

Twenty minutes later, Sabrina gets to the woods and finds a place to camp. She builds herself a shelter from twigs and pieces of bark scattered on the path like she read about in a survival manual she checked out from the library a few years ago. Once done with the frame, places a tarp over the roof and tie it tight so it won't move and blocks the wind. Her phone is off to save the battery since she doesn't know how long it will take to use the solar battery charger Mr. Tucker gave her for Christmas last year. She takes out her sleeping bag before crawling into it and getting more sleep.

On the Nemesis, Nathasia sits on the edge of the launch stip with her legs hanging over the side. She watches several clouds roll by, thinking about her 'daydream' about Alpha Trion telling her to ask her parents about her past.

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