Chapter 13: A meeting Isabella

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"Ratchet will locate your sister. It would be best if you went to school. The deceptions won't take her back to their ship again," Optimus says.

"Again, what do you mean?" Sabrina asks.

"The day we first met, I was heading back to the base when Ratchet called me about another deception signal. I went to Ravenwood. When I arrived, Knockout had captured Natasha. Troopers surrounded me," Optimus says.

"So, you didn't try to fight them off or call for backup. You let Knockout kidnap sister," Sabrina snaps as anger builds up in her system.

The Autobots see Sabrina's right hand. Her fingers were quickly in metal as her Cybertronian side activated.

"Hey, partner, calm down. He was surrounded. There was nothing he could have done," Cliff says.

"Cliff, you've been surrounded and fought back," Sabrina snaps.

Sabrina looks down to see only the lower part of her arm up to her elbow has armor on it. Then she flicks her wrist, and the group watches as her hand turns into a blaster that looks a lot like Ironhide's.

"Sabrina, I understand that you are upset, but please try to calm down before you accidentally shoot your weapon," Optimus says.

"Ratchet, is her energon level even high enough to power it?" Cliff asks.

Ratchet quickly scans Sabrina and is shocked to see the teenager's energon level jumped from 10 percent to 30 in a few hours.

"Calm down first. I find out that I'm half Cybertronian. Next, I have a twin sister, and lastly, the faction leader who said his goal was to protect every human life on the planet. But as soon as he gets surrounded by the enemy, he freezes up and refuses to fight." Sabrina snaps.

Sabrina steps back, pull her arm towards her chest and lays her other hand on her arm. Her blaster shoots out a beam of energon. It grazes the top of his right shoulder and leaves a small scratch. Sabrina's accidental blast could have hit lower, but the kickback sent the teen flying back and slammed against the wall.

"It looks like she didn't only inherit her sire's armor color," Cliff says.

"Yes, she inherited Ironhide's firepower as well," Optimus says, glancing down at his shoulder.

Ratchet goes over to Sabrina, and her vision is blurry, but she still can make out the Autobot medic's face as he looks down at her.

"Do I still have to go to school?" Sabrina asks.

"We'll have to wait and see. You might have gotten a concussion from hitting the wall. Let's get you to the medical bay. Are you feeling okay to walk?" Ratchet replies.

Sabrina shakes her head no as a huge dizzy spell hits, causing her to faint.

Meanwhile, Wheeljack pulls up to Graham's house.

"Why are we stopping here? I thought I was taking you to school," Wheeljack asks.

"Sorry, but I need to get my backpack and clarinet first," Graham says.

"Where are your parents? Shouldn't they be home?" Wheeljack replies, not seeing another car in the driveway.

"I don't know, Yes, and Yes, It's Weylin. It means Son of the wolf or Land by the road," Graham says.

Graham and Weylin get out and head inside to hear the sound of crying from upstairs and see the living room trashed and the family heirloom cabinet broken into.

"Why would someone break into your house?" Wheeljack asks.

"I don't know, but let's head upstairs to Isabella's room," Graham says.

"Grammy," Isabella shouts, running over to her big brother as she peeks out of the closet and sees him walk into the room.

"Izzy, I'm glad you okay," Graham says, kneeling to let his sister jump into his arms and give him a bear hug.

"Graham, this strange man came out of a big silver plane. When I heard him break in, I hid. I'm sorry," Isabella says as she starts to cry.

"Shh, Izzy, it's okay. Do you know what happened to mom and dad?" Graham says, trying to remember what his mom did when he was crying to soothe her.

"No, they got a call from work and left me here alone," Isabella answers.

"Isn't she too young to be left alone?" Wheeljack asks.

"Yes, I normally have to babysit her after school," Graham says.

"Do we take here to meet Clark or to school with you?" Wheeljack says.

"I go to preschool, not to big kid school with Graham," Isabella says.

"She's right, Weylin. Could you watch her for a second," Graham says, handing his to him.

"Are you sure about this? I don't have much experience looking after kids," Wheeljack says.

"I just need to make a quick phone call," Graham says.

Ratchet told Sabrina she had a minor concussion, so he had Agent Flower contact the school to tell them she won't be in school for the next few days. Sabrina was mad since she could play her violin or do anything fun. Ratchet got to work and quickly found a faint energon signal outside Jasper. The Autobots quickly roll out and arrive to see Natasha lying unconscious on the desert sand. Ratchet scanned her. It said her energon levels were at 5% of 35%.

"She needs an energon transfusion," Ratchet says.

"Let's take her back to the base," Optimus says.

Meanwhile, Graham called his parents, but neither one answered their phone, so he was at a loss for what he was supposed to do. Then the house phone rang, and he went over to it.

"Hello, Burton residence. Who may I ask is calling," Graham says.

"Graham, this is your parents' co-worker, William. Are they available," Agent Fowler asks.

"No, I spent the night at a friend's house and came home to find the house broken into," Graham says.

"Is Isabella okay?" Agent Fowler says.

"Yes, and I know my parents are special agents," Graham says.

"So, I take it you learned this from Sariana's parents," Agent Fowler asks.

"Yes, but why would someone break into our house," Graham asks.

"I'm not sure, but have you met any alien robots?" Agent Flower asks.

"Yes, I was captured by the Decepticons," Graham asks.

"So, I take it you know about the Autobots as well," Agent Fowler replies.

"Yes, so do I take Isabella to Preschool or not," Graham asks.

"Not today. Just take her to the Autobot base, and we'll discuss other arrangments there," Agent Fowler says.

"Okay, but Ratchet won't like that," Graham says.

"I'm aware that the medic can be a little tightly wound, but it's the safest place for your sister right now," Agent Fowler says.

Graham hangs up and meets back up with Weylin and his little sister. Then the group heads back outside to see an army of Troopers walk up to them. Isabella is in awe, watching Weylin disappear, and then the white car parked in the driveway quickly changes into a giant robot.

"Wow, Graham, your new car is so cool, and it has Katana, too," Isabella says, watching Wheeljack draw his swords.

"Graham finds a place to hide. I'll handle these creeps," Wheeljack says as his battle mask slides over his mouth.

"That's hard to do since they have us surrounded," Graham says.

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