Chapter 4: An Embarrassing School Day

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Cliffjumper pulls into the school parking lot and parks in the spot a few yards away from the school's front door. Sabrina gets out to see her crush, Graham Burton, walk up to her. He's wearing his usual white button-down shirt, faded blue jeans, and tennis shoes. A light breeze blows his short, black hair away from his green eyes. Her throat suddenly gets dry, so she swallows the spit in her mouth to wet it. As her heart starts to race as he gets closer to her.

"Hey, Sabrina, I can't believe your dad finally bought you a car. It's awesome." Graham says.

Sabrina tries to come up with a lie that he would believe, but only a little squeak escapes when she opens her mouth. She turns away to conceal that she feels her cheeks get warm since she blushed. Cliffjumper adjusts the side mirror and thinks that Sabrina may need a little help since she hasn't said a word since Graham approached her. Cliffjumper's holoform gets out and walks over to her.

"Thanks, dude, but this is my car. I rescued her from getting kidnapped last night. Sabrina talked to her dad and told her that I'm part of the 'Big Brother' program at the community center. He said it was okay if I became her big brother. I'm Clark, by the way." Cliffjumper smiles.

"I like your choice of cars, Clark. Sabrina, I'll see you in Chemistry class, partner." Graham winks as he walks away from them.

Sabrina nods and lets out a sigh of relief as he walks into the school.

"Why did you freeze up like that?" Cliffjumper asks as he hands Sabrina her violin.

"I'm not very good at talking to Graham outside of Chemistry class since we are partners for class," Sabrina admits.

"Okay. I'll pick you up after school." He says, getting into the driver's seat of his alt mode.

"Why, exactly?" Sabrina asks.

"Optimus's orders." Cliffjumper answers.

After Cliffjumper drives away, Sabrina goes to her locker to put her things away. She turns around and accidentally bumps into Jack Darby. Her books fall out of her arms and plummet onto the floor.

"Sorry, Jack, I didn't see you," Sabrina says nervously.

"No problem." He says, helping her gather up her books.

Jack gives Sabrina her chemistry notebook; they soon head to class as the warning bell rings. Jack and she walk into Mr. Henderson's chemistry class before Graham walks up.

"Hey, Sabrina." Graham smiles.

"Hey, Graham," Sabrina says shyly.

"So, will we get the highest grade in the class on this project like we usually do?" He grins.

Sabrina nods, agreeing to his boasting since she forgot how to speak after putting his arm on her shoulder.

"Great, but we get the highest grade because you always triple-check that we did the math right. That's why you're the best lab partner." He smiles.

Sabrina is rescued by the bell literally when it rings, and Jack gently nudges her, bringing her back to reality. After Graham returns to his seat, she shakes her head in disbelief at what happened.

"Hey, I still can't talk to Sierra either," Jack says.

"Yeah, I noticed that yesterday at lunch." Sabrina chuckles.

She walks over to her desk before Mr. Henderson takes attendance.

"Okay, class, your results on what cations and anions are present in the compound I gave you on Monday will be due tomorrow. Now, go back to the lab tables and get to work." He tells the class.

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