Chapter 9: We are not Family Anymore

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A few days passed, and Ratchet released Sabrina from the medical bay. While recovering, Cliffjumper returned to her campsite to get her gear. The teen goes to the platform where the TV is and takes her violin, music stand, and sheet music out of her bag. She sets up the music stand next to the big chair before placing the sheets with her scales on top of the folder with "Canon in D" that Mr. Howell gave Sabrina to practice for the competition, and she gets upset seeing the date for it written on the top right-hand corner of the paper.

"Man, this stinks," Sabrina exclaims.

"What's wrong?" Arcee asks.

"I've missed the competition for First Chair Vilon," Sabrina says.

"Can't the teacher reschedule?" Cliffjumper asks.

"No, Mr. Howell is going to hand out the sheet music for solo and ensemble that we are going to in two weeks," Sabrina adds.

"What is solo and ensemble?" Cliff asks.

"An annual music contest in the US, where students or small trios perform in front of a professional judge and receive feedback. We are scored on a scale of 1 to 5, and 1 is your highest score." Sbarina says.

Sabrina opens her violin case and realizes it looks different from yesterday. She looks at her name to see the energon crystals sparkling brighter than usual.

"That's weird," Sabrina says.

"What's wrong," Ratchet asks.

She picks up her violin and walks over to the railing as Ratchet and Optimus walk over to her. She hands the instrument to Ratchet before he and Optimus take turns looking at it.

"This isn't going to allow the 'Cons to track me, is it?" Sabrina asks.

"It's possible," Ratchet says.

"What about the amount inside me? Can the cons track that too..." Sabrina says.

"Relax, Partner; everything will be fine. I promise." Cliffjumper says.

Optimus hands the violin back to her then the proximity alarm goes off. She puts everything away, walks down the stairs, watches the video on the screen, and sees her parents and Brandon walk to the elevator. She turns around and tries to leave when the door opens and gets about three steps away from the tunnel that leads outside before Cliff reaches down and picks her up.

"Cliff, what are you doing?" Sabrina asks as she tries to get out of his hand.

"Sabrina, you can run away forever, but you need to let them explain why they didn't tell you that you're adopted," Cliffjumper says as he sets Sabrina down.

"Cliffjumper is right, sweetheart." Mr. Tucker says.

"Sabrina, your father and I meant to tell you that we adopted you and Brandon years ago, but our mission got in the way." Mrs. Tucker says.

"So, using your job as an excuse to keep this a secret from me. So neither of you feel any guilt about the choice you made? I thought you loved us, but I was wrong," Sabrina says.

"We did feel guilty, sweetheart, but we love both of you." Mr. Tucker says.

"Why did my other mommy and daddy give me up?" Brandon asks.

"We don't know, honey," Mtrs. Tucker says.

Sabrina feels more anger and sadness, and confusion builds up inside her.

Her voice changes from a moderate tone to shouting, "Mrs. Tucker and Mr. Tucker, when you brought Brandon home, all you told me was you were fostering him till another family adopted him. You lied to me, so why should I believe another word that comes out of your mouth?"

"Sabrina Liah, I know you're upset with us, but that doesn't give you the right to talk to either of us in that tone, young lady." Mr. Tucker says.

Sabrina's voice changes as it cracks while tears stream down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tucker, but I don't have to listen to you or your wife. We are no longer a family." She says.

"Of course, we are, sweetheart." Mrs. Tucker says as she moves closer and hugs Sabrina.

"No, we aren't. I got a message from Alpha Trion." Sabrina says as she pushes her 'mother' away. "I'm staying here with my fellow Cybertronians where I belong." Sabrina continues before turning to her left and running down the stairs toward the tunnel.

Cliffjumper puts his right hand in front of her, but she spins around it.

"Sabrina, come back," Cliffjumper shouts, voice full of concern, as Sabrina runs out of the room.

"It's okay, Cliffjumper. Let her go. She needs time to reflect on her emotions." Mrs. Tucker says.

"Elena, our daughter, just disrespected us. We need to find her and ground her till she is eighteen." Mr. Tucker says.

"Julian, she may have raised her voice, but I noticed that she never called us by our first names, so she still respects us. Sabrina has every right to be mad at us. We kept this a secret from her for too long." Mrs. Tucker says. "I'm not sure if she'd believed us if we said that the orphanage owners said that they just found her, Brandon, and two other babies in a metal-like basket in the backyard one night." Mrs. Tucker continues.

"What happened to that other babies?" Cliffjumper asks.

"Two different families adopted them. A boy and a girl." Mrs. Tucker says.

"Do you know either of their names by any chance?" Ratchet asks.

"Yes, his name is Graham. His parents work in Unit E as well." Mrs. Tucker says. "I didn't find out the girl's name, though."

"Elena, you and your husband are aware that Sabrina is part Cybertronian correct?" Ratchet asks.

"Yes, but when we were contacted last night by Alpha Trion. My husband and I thought it was a weird dream caused by that pepperoni pizza we ate before bed."

"Mrs. Tucker, I can assure you that Alpha Trion's message to the two of you was authentic. The history of Earth and Cybertron are linked, so we must find Graham and the other child to protect them." Optimus says.

"Shouldn't we find Sabrina first?" Cliffjumper asks.

"Don't worry, Cliffjumper, if Sabrina isn't in the base. I'm pretty sure she went to her secret spot in the forest that she likes to go to whenever she wants to be alone with her thoughts. She'll be fine." Mrs. Tucker says.

"The 'Cons could spot her and take her to their ship." Cliffjumper gasps.

"Calm down, partner. If Sabrina has done this before, I'm sure she has a route she takes that would make it hard for someone to track her," Arcee says.

"Arcee is right. Although we went through some pricker bushes, we did find out where it was, and the path was narrow. It's hidden by some thick tree as well." Mrs. Tucker says. "If Sabrina wants to stay here to keep us safe from the Decepticons finding out where we live, that's fine. But ensure that she still goes to school," Mrs. Tucker continues.

"Yes, Ma'am," Cliffjumper says.

"Thank you, Cliffjumper." Mrs. Tucker says.

They soon walk over to the elevator before they ride up to the roof, exit, get into their jet, and fly back to headquarters. After Agent Fowler helps Brandon inside his aircraft, he follows behind them.

'Sabrina, sweetheart, I'm sorry we did this to you. We've been terrible parents. I hope that you can trust us again.' Mrs. Tucker thinks.

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