Chapter 11: More Flashbacks/dreams

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Cliff activates his holoform and catches Sabrina in his arms. She slowly opens her eyes to see everyone around her with concerned looks.

"Dang, everyone, please turn down your worry dials. I just fainted 'cause I'm tired, that's all," Sabrina says.

"If you are too tired to walk, I could carry you," Graham offers.

"No thanks, Graham, besides I already feel bad for getting you involved in all this," Sabrina says.

"Sabrina, you don't have to apologize. I know you'd never do something like this on purpose," Graham says.

Cliff helps Sabrina back to her feet, but Wheeljack has something else on his mind. Could dark energon exist, and could that be causing Sabrina's outburst? A few seconds later, the color drains from Graham's face, then Wheeljack reaches out his right hand and catches the boy in his palm.

"Thanks," Graham says.

"No problem kid," Wheeljack says.

"Graham, are you okay," Cliff asks.

"Yeah, I guess I'm a little tired from everything that happened today," Graham replies.

"Cliff, maybe you should take her home so that the kid can power down for a while," Wheeljack says.

"That might be a good idea, Wheeljack," Cliff says.

"Wheeljack, are you coming back to the base or heading out?" Cliff asks.

"I'll fly the Jackhammer to a safe place to hide it for the night, then Bulk and I will drive back to base. That way, we can catch up," Wheeljack replies.

"Sure, Jackie, that sounds good to me," Bulk says.

Meanwhile, at Natasha's house, her parents just called a family meeting. Her older brother, Christian, is back from Military school. He got kicked out yesterday. Natasha sits next to him on the couch while their parents are standing behind the coffee table.

"Why am I here?" Christian asks. "I already know what you and dad will tell the Lame-o sitting next to me," Christian adds.

"I'm the Lame-o." Natasha snaps. "You have done something bad if you got kicked out of another Military school," Natasha adds.

"At least I can answer someone when they ask me, 'Who do you look like more, your mom or your dad?' unlike you," Christian says.

"So what if I don't look like them? They love me regardless." Natasha says.

"Natasha, Honey, your father and I have to tell you something we should have brought up long ago." Natasha's mother says.

"We're moving away and leaving you here," Christian says.

"Christian." Natasha's father scolds.

"What is it?" Natasha asks as she folds her hands together and taps her fingertips on her knuckles.

"Your mother and I had a strange dream, and a robot told us we needed to go to an orphanage in Jasper to adopt a baby girl and her sister." Natasha's mother says.

"I have a sister! Why didn't you adopt her too?" Natasha asks. "Did you think we'd be too much for you to handle, so you split us up?" Natasha shouts.

"Natasha, Honey, I know you're upset, and your father and I don't blame you." Natasha's mother starts. "You need to understand we didn't want to separate you from your sister, but financially, we couldn't afford to raise the two of you." Natasha's mother continues.

"How did my sister and I end up at the orphanage?" Natasha asks.

"I'm afraid we don't know. The orphanage didn't have any information about your birth parents." Natasha's mother says.

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