Chapter 3: A Family Argument

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Sabrina wakes up the next morning to her dad calling her name, asking her to get dressed for school. She hasn't told her father about the strange dreams the past few nights of a planet made of metal and the two small robots playing at daycare. The one she had before her father woke her up this morning. Half of the robot with a long beard looked down at her, and all it said was, "you are Cybertronian."

She tosses off the covers and slowly shuffles over to her closet, taking out a pink college sweatshirt, a red v-neck tank top, and a pair of black platform ankle boots. As she closes the dresser drawer, her eyes seem to dart to the picture of her and her mother. The teen had never noticed it before, but she didn't look like her.

'Could what Vince said the other day be true? Am I adopted?' Sabrina thinks.

After she gets dressed and walks over to her desk, she puts on waterproof mascara and light pink liquid lipstick. Then teen is confused when she looks at her reflection to notice her eyes are hazel anymore. They are emerald green. She blinked a few times to see if her mind was playing tricks on her since she hadn't been sleeping well. When they return to their original color, she breathes a sigh of relief. Sabrina heads downstairs and enters the kitchen. She first sees her dad's angry face as he notices what shoes she is wearing today.

"Sabrina Lilah Tucker! Go back upstairs and put on a different pair of shoes!" He says sternly.

"But Dad, that will ruin my outfit." Sabrina pouts as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"I don't care. You could twist your ankle." He snaps.

"I'll be careful, Dad. Besides, I walked down the stairs just fine, didn't I?" Sabrina says.

"Don't sass me, young lady. Go back upstairs and change your shoes now!" He angrily exclaims.

Sabrina leaves the kitchen and lets out a frustrated groan as she sits on the bottom of the staircase and takes off her boots. Carrying them in her right hand, she mumbles, "why can't Dad treat me like an adult," as she goes up the stairs back to her room before approaching her closet.

'He never had a problem with me wearing those shoes when Mom was here. Why is he acting so differently? I will show him and everyone at school that I can be rebellious.' Sabrina thinks.

Walking over to her bed, she puts the boots back on. She then grabs her book bag, violin, and purse. She is happy that her time management skills are top-notch because she finished all her homework in school yesterday, so she has enough room in her bag to store the violin case safely inside in the second pocket away from her back. She zips it closed and puts it on her back.

Then, as quietly as she can, she walks over to the window and opens it. After removing the screen, she takes out the fire escape ladder. She places the ladder onto the window sill and quietly unrolls it. She slides her left shoulder underneath her purse strap and climbs down the ladder. She lets out a big yawn before she glances down at her watch and sees 5 am.

'Dad, just because Mom is in the military, that doesn't mean you need to wake me up before sunrise. I don't have to be at school till 8:15.' Sabrina thinks.

Sabrina decides to take a morning walk to clear her head. Once she is three blocks away, her cell phone starts to vibrate. She removes it from the front pocket of her purse and sees her father's number on the screen.

"I'm sorry, Dad, but I don't want to talk to you now." Sabrina snaps, ending the call before he has an opportunity to reply.

She shoves it back into her purse and keeps on walking. Her left shoulder begins to hurt, but the teen thinks it is because she slept on it wrong. Little did she know it was slowly being encased in Mettle. Once she got to the stop sign, Sabrina was confused why the pain wasn't subsiding. It felt ten times worse, so the teen glanced over and tried not to panic since her shoulder now had a layer of armor, which had red in with a few white details, a stipe of grey above, and a square grey bit on the bottom. Another rush of pain flows through her body as she watches as her upper arm gets slimmer and is covered in black metal. Cliffjumper drives as fast as he can, still obeying the speed limit, as his holoform spots Sabrina standing on the corner, starting to fall to the ground as her body can't handle the pain she's experiencing. He stops. His holoform quickly gets out of the car and catches her a few seconds before she lands on the sidewalk.

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