Chapter 2: More Giant Robots

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Sabrina chuckles as she hears him mumble, "I'll protect the violin." She quickly but carefully walks into the alleyway and sets him up against the wall behind the dumpster. Leaving to retrieve her violin, she runs up to the case and picks it up. She then turns around to see the purple robot has called for one of its friends. A new robot runs up to her and reaches out to snatch her off the sidewalk. Before it has a chance, a blue motorcycle drives up and turns into a robot with a different symbol on its shoulder.

"I don't think so, Decepticon!" The new, female-sounding robot says.

Sabrina watches in shock and awe as the female robot repeatedly punches the other robot that had tried to kidnap her.

She wanted to check on her little brother, but this was too cool. She wants to see who will win. She watches the match a bit longer before running back to the alley. A smile appears on her face when she sees her little brother sprint up to her.

"Sabrina, is it safe to go home yet?" He asks as Sabrina hands the violin case to him.

"I'm not sure, buddy. Stay here." Sabrina says as she tiptoes back to the entrance of the alley.

She peaks around the corner. The distinct loud sound of a semi-truck horn causes Sabrina to quickly cover her ears with her hands as it drives up to the other robots before turning into a robot. It's mainly red and blue and much bigger than the other two robots.

"Hey, Boss." The red robot says.

"Cliffjumper, you were fortunate that you didn't cause any damage to the buildings in this area." The red and blue robot warns.

Then Brandon runs out of the alleyway towards the robots.

"Brandon! Get back here!" Sabrina shouts.

Brandon ignores his big sister and keeps running toward the robots. She is happy to see him look both ways twice to check for cars before he hops off the curb and onto the street.

'Okay, this is officially the weirdest day of my life.' Sabrina thinks.

Cliffjumper sees Brandon running up to them. The four-year-old is about to run into Arcee's leg, so he picks him up.

"Hey, kid, watch where you're going," Cliffjumper says.

"Sorry, Mr. Red Robot, sir. Thank you for saving my big sister and me." Brandon says.

"Who's your big sister?" Cliffjumper asks.

"She must be that girl hiding in the alleyway over there." The female robot says.

Sabrina still has no clue what is going on. She tries to remain calm as the female robot approaches her. She sees the robot kneel in front of her.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you." She says.

"Thank you for all your help, ma'am," Sabrina says.

"Call me, Arcee, okay, kid? "Arcee says.

"Okay, Arcee," Sabrina says.

Sabrina slowly steps out of her hiding spot. She and Arcee walk over to the other robots. Arcee sees Sabrina's eyes nearly pop out of their sockets when she sees Brandon on Cliffjumper's shoulder.

"Brandon, be careful. If you fall, dad will ground me till I graduate high school." Sabrina says.

"Don't worry, Sabrina. Mr. Cliffjumper won't let me fall." Brandon says.

"So, who is the semi-truck robot?" Sabrina asks.

"I'm Optimus Prime, and you and your brother will get a better explanation of why my teammates and I are on your planet tomorrow," Optimus says.

"Aw, I can't wait that long." Brandon whines.

"Sorry, Brandon, but we need to get home," Sabrina says.

"Cliffjumper, you will escort Sabrina and Brandon to their home," Optimus says.

"Yes, Sir," Cliffjumper says.

"Yeah, I get to ride in the front seat." Brandon cheers.

"No, you won't. You're not tall enough or old enough to ride shotgun." Sabrina says.

Cliffjumper takes Brandon off his shoulder and places him on the ground next to Sabrina as he transforms back into a car.

"Sabrina, please, I won't tell dad, I promise," Brandon begs as he makes his eyes sparkle and quivers his bottom lip.

"Now I regret ever teaching you that look." Sabrina sighs.

Sabrina and Brandon walk over to the car. She opens the passenger side door and helps him up onto the seat. After she buckles him in and sets her things down on the floor in front of her brother's feet, she looks up to see the seat belt adjust to fit him properly.

"Whoa, Cliffjumper, why didn't you tell me you could do that?" Sabrina asks.

"Don't know. I guess I forgot that I could do that. I can also turn off the passenger-side airbag if you'd like." Cliffjumper says.

"That would be great," Sabrina says as she closes the door.

She sits in the driver's seat, buckles herself in, and places her hands on the steering wheel. The only thing on Sabrina's mind as Cliffjumper starts to drive away is.

'Okay, Mr. Genie, sir, who granted my wish for something interesting to happen in Jasper. Could you take back my request, please?' Sabrina thinks.

Sabrina unbuckles her seat belt after Cliffjumper pulls up to the garage door.

"Sabrina, humans call this a driveway, right? So, why am I parking in it?" Cliffjumper asks.

"The humans who invented the word were confused, too," Sabrina says.

"Don't human kids usually have two parents?" Cliffjumper asks.

"We do, but our mom is in the military. The past three months without her have been hard." Sabrina explains. "So, I've been helping my dad out around the house and looking out for Brandon."

"That seems like a lot of pressure to put on a kid your age," Cliffjumper says.

"Maybe a bit, but my mom asked me to help out in her last letter, so I'm not going to let her down," Sabrina says as she gets out.

She walks to the passenger side, opens the door, and watches Brandon hop out. They gather their things and head inside. They watch from the living room window as Cliffjumper drives away.

"Sabrina, do you think we'll see him again?" Brandon asks.

"I don't know, Buddy. How about I make some Mac and cheese for dinner?" Sabrina replies.

Sabrina puts her things down on the coffee table and heads to the kitchen to make dinner.

'I wish there were another way I could thank Cliffjumper for what he did for us - I mean, he saved our lives.' Sabrina thinks.

Optimus deiced to Patrol the city of Ravenwood. Something in his spark told him to go there. The Autobot leader was the last of their kind to avoid following their instincts. He turns on his holoform as he enters the city limits. It is a 6''1' man in his middle thirties with short black hair and light brown eyes. His outfit is a leather jacket, matching shirt, and jeans, the same color as his robot form. Cons suddenly ambush Optimus as he watches Knockout transforms and snatches a teenager off the sidewalk.

"You're female youth who's giving off an energon signal. My master told me to pick you up," Knockout says.

"First, I have a name. It's Natasha Johnson. Second, What's energon? And lastly, when do cool European sports cars turn into robots?" Natasha asks.

"Well, my dear, explanations will come later," Knockout says before tossing her into the air, transforming and shocking her with a taser.

Optimus transforms and quickly takes out troopers, but he is too late Knockout has already called for a ground bridge and escaped back to the nemesis. 

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