Chapter 14: Twin Runion

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Sabrina's POV

I'm in shock when I hear Wheeljack contact Cliff, "Hey, Cliff, I've got a problem,"

"what's wrong? I thought you said that Wreckers don't call for backup," Cliff replies.

"We don't, but I'm surrounded by troopers and can't attack them at the moment," Wheejack says.

"Yeah, but I wish he would. Mr. Wheeljack has two cool swords," Isabella says.

"Graham, I thought Isabella would have been dropped off at Preschool by now; why is she with you and Wheeljack," I ask.

"My parents left her home alone, and it was broken into when I came back to get my stuff for school," Graham says.

"That's odd. Your parents never leave Isabella alone by herself in the house. They always hire a babysitter. They've dropped her off at my house the night before if they had to leave early," I say.

"I know, and the house was broken into. I don't know why someone would do that; We aren't that rich," Graham replies.

"Graham, I'm on my way," Cliff says.

A few seconds after Cliff leaves, I see Optimus and Ratchet walk through the ground bridge. I run to the railing and see Optimus holding a girl in his hand.

"Is that my sister? What's wrong with her?" I ask.

"Yes, and don't worry, she'll be fine. She needs an energon transfusion," Ratchet says.

I let Ratchet do his thing, helping my sister, and go back to sitting on the couch and trying not to die from boredom.

Wheeljack's POV

I'm upset I had to swallow my pride and call for backup, but I couldn't let Graham or his little sister get hurt, even though I think she's cute since she thinks my weapons are cool. I deflect several blasts to keep them from hitting the kids as they shoot at us. Then I see Cliff drive up, quickly transform and punch several troopers.

"Nice timing, Cliff," I say.

"Thanks," Cliff says.

"Come on, Izzy, let's go to the treehouse while these two handle the bad purple robots," Graham says.

"Aww, but I want to watch them fight," Isabella says.

"No, you aren't. Let's go," Graham says, leading the toddler around to the back of the house.

Sabrina's POV

Only twenty minutes pass by, and the silence is getting to me. I head down the stair to the medical bay.

"Hey, Ratchet, am I allowed to talk to the patient now?" I ask.

"Yes, but not too long; she needs to rest," Ratchet says.

"So, Natasha, since the Decepticons kidnapped you, are you on their side," I ask.

"I think so. I mean, Knockout did say that the Autobots are the enemy," Natasha says.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, young one, but Knockout only told you that to gain your trust," Optimus says as he walks in.

"If that's true, why would he let me leave the ship, go to school or even go back to my house? I even got to play my cello on the ship," Natasha asks.

"Though Knockout is a Decepticon, his reasons and ideals differ from others. Perhaps he understands the importance of humanity's school and home life customs." Optimus says.

"So, Knockout might not be bad. Maybe we could get him to change sides and fight for the Autobots," Sabrina says.

"Can someone be forced into being a Decepticon?" Natasha asks.

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