A Rant About Stupid Writer's Block

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Okay.... where do I begin....

Perhaps I can defy my stupid stupid writer's block to write a nonsensical  rant. Even though I had a couple ideas before of other Inkequizzles... and they're not entirely terrible, I can still work with them, but I can't because of STUPID WRITER'S BLOCK.

But... yeah. It shall be good to update the great almighty Inkequizzle, anyway. It'll taste of burritos... or whatever you want it to taste like. Okay, whatever food you're eating right now, this Inkequizzle shall taste like it. How about that? But what if you aren't eating food right now? Well... I wish I could give these nonsense rants the great and magical power to spawn all the food you want. That'll solve the hunger crisis if it was actually possible. SCREW YOU UNIVERSE, YOU'RE NOT FAIR. THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN COVERED IN THE OTHER RANT THAT I DID. Okay I need to get back on track of the thing....

Screw you, writer's block!

The most bullcrap thing to ever happen to any writer and every student of which needs to write essays and speeches and stuff is FREAKING WRITER'S BLOCK. Why does this need to happen to us? I have so many things I could update, and edit... and everything. Someday I might even want to make a career about this.... but how can I do anything if I can't think of anything?

Every writer has been in this kind of stage before. I mean... I just finished writing a novel, and I guess it was pretty good.... I need to finish editing it but still. But like.. have you ever been afraid that you'll never have an idea that was good as the ones you had  before, that'll never carry out to be a full length novel/novella? I have a couple good ideas, but I just don't know what to do with them yet. I won't throw them away yet... because they might be okay....

And another thing regarding school and stuff. This is like the first time in YEAAARS that my Engrish class (yes, I meant to spell it 'Engrish'. That's how I choose to mock the freaking class) will let me write my OWN stuff, instead of giving me a topic of an essay that's pretty much an analysis of another person's work. Which some wasn't even worth reading, much less analyzing. Anyway, my teacher let me write my own stuff, I could plan however like, there are pretty much no restrictions.... but ya know what? I couldn't, because of WRITER'S BLOCK.

So... this isn't very nonsensical. Hopefully that shall be fixed in a jiffy.



Every single person who will read this must agree.

But... how? (and also, you guys notice this new way of writing stories on this website? Yeah. I don't like it. Stupid Wattpad, trying to ruin everything. Been on here for almost a year and this is how you try to improve things? No. Change it back. Screw you. Or I'll bomb your headquarters with pickles.) (this is the most terrible inkequizzle I have ever made. Even for the standards of pure garbage.)

Anyway, how can we defeat this writer's block? Well... think about what writer's block really is. It's pretty much... stopping the flow of creativity that we run on, and replacing it with this stale boredom and apatheticness that is very much like old french fries that we find in the bottom of the fridge sometimes. The two things that are suggested the most to cure it are just writing anyway, writing complete garbage (what I am doing right now), because a lot of the times what is causing the block is that stupid freaking voice in your head called the Inner Critic. As I have told a fellow struggling writer before, the perfectionist in your brain, the Inner Critic, has absolutely NO PLACE in your decisions of writing ideas. It needs to shut the hell up until it can actually be useful, like when you're editing. So beat up your Inner Critic, put it in a little cage and punch it every time it says something when you're not editing. Or, if you're not that violent, drown it out with really loud metal music until you need to edit.

And if that doesn't work, just take a break and work on it later.

Well.... it's been like four months!! And I can't even write good garbage!

(and my hands are getting so sore from this typing.... why hands why this isn't even 1000 words yet)

This is exactly what the writer's blocks want. They are horrible apparitions of boring stupidness that haunt every single writer that grow into their creativeness. FEEDING OFF OF THE CREATIVENESS. AND WE CAN NO LONGER STAND FOR THIS.

So... you know what? I have a proposal for anyone who reads this. Since this is the most boring rant ever (it's not even nonsense seriously let's be honest), and writer's block is something that affects us all, maybe we can make some progress with our work JUST A LITTLE bit by doing this thingy.

I propose, to anyone that can take the challenge, that they write a nonsensy Inkequizzle story and post them on their profiles. To rebel against stupid ol writer's block. Because writing nonsense is essentially garbage anyway and it's the opposite of what the block wants.

Read the introduction of this compilation if you need a little guidance for nonsense.

But of course I shall encourage you to develop your own methods.

Anyway my hands are really sore right now and this needs to end

K bye

sorry for lack of stuff

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