What Happened to Your Friend who Ate the Mysterious Cheese

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Dedicated to IsisLotus, who has always supported me. Thank yoouu!!!!

Hope you enjoy!


(all names are used fictitiously)

Just to let you know, you are a terrible friend for making that innocent person eat the mysterious cheese. You couldn't just eat it yourself. That's what I would do. Well, probably not, nevermind. 

Anyway, this is what happened to your friend (we'll call him Sebastian) who ate the mysterious cheese. When he disappeared, he was transported to a magical land where there were tulips and kool-aid men everywhere. He was very confused, wondering where you were (probably running away from the smell of the cheese, he figured). He decided he might as well explore this weird and possibly magical place, and for some reason he found Abraham Lincoln sitting in an arm chair in the middle of this garden.

"Excuse me," he said nervously. "But could you tell me where I am please?"

"Well, how did you get here?" Abraham Lincoln said. 

"I ate this sandwich with a rare French cheese and..." 

"I'm afraid I can't help you then, good sir," Abe said. "Best you talk to Tiny Tim."

"Wait, the kid from A Christmas Carol, or..." Sebastian said.

"No, the ukulele player, Tiny Tim," Abe Lincoln held out his palm to acknowlege a smiling man with long curly brown hair and a ukulele in his hands. 

"Oh... no..." Sebastian said. 

"Things that bother you never bother me; I feel happy and fine, AHA!!" Tiny Tim started singing in his jolly falsetto voice, and he started running after Sebastian.

"No! Just stay away from me!" Sebastian said. He had a great fear of ukulele-playing men with marvelously high voices.

"I do what I like, just what I like, and how I love it!" Tiny Tim sang in reply. 

Sebastian thought there was nothing much else to do, so he turned around and started running. He ran through all the flowers, screaming, trying to drown out Tiny Tim's singing:

"Come tiptoe, through the tulips, with meeeeeeee!! OHH-OHHHHHH!!" 

Eventually, he had discovered for some reason that he had been running in circles, because he had encountered Abraham Lincoln in his arm chair again.

"You again," he said. "Look, my good man, the only way to get out of this place is to talk to Tiny Tim. He gets the same problem when he drinks too much coffee."

"He's been drinking coffee?!?" Sebastian asked, panicking.

"Don't worry. Just talk to him," Abe Lincoln said.

"Alright, fine," Sebastian said, thinking he could trust Lincoln. He sighed and waited for Tiny Tim to catch up to them.

"Hello sir," Tiny Tim said, and held out his hand so Sebastian could shake it. His normal voice was much deeper than he had imagined it to be. 

"Uh, hi," Sebastian said and shook his hand. "So, how do I get outta here?"

"Well, can you tell me what was in that sandwich you ate?" 

"My friend gave it to me," Sebastian said. "He (/she) said it had a rare French cheese in it."

"Based on personal experience, I wouldn't think that was cheese...." Tiny Tim said thoughtfully. 

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