The President Game

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So, this is another game me and my best friend made up. It's a little bit more complex than the IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE game, but still very fun.

It dates back to 2012, when the presidential election was going on. Long story short, we weren't too fond of either of the candidates, so we found a way to mock them by making up this game. But it was so fun that we kept doing it after the election.

The game is basically this: one of the people that play makes up two candidates. These two people (if you actually choose to make them people) should both either sound very good or very bad. And then the other player has to choose what he thinks is the best one. It's sort of like Would You Rather. 

Example: Scar from Lion King, or Hans from Frozen.

The thing is, after the player chooses, the person who came up with the candidates have to tell them the outcome based on their choice. This will reveal if he actually did the right one.

Suppose the person chose Scar. This could be the outcome:

After Scar became president, a million hyenas from all over the world swarm to bring order to the country. They went on to eat every sick animal, thus eliminating disease (don't question it; if an evil lion can become president in this world, then the logic was a little off in the first place, right? Besides, this is just an example.) and Scar gets angry with every politician trying to gain power for themselves, so they execute them too. You have made the right choice. 

(Outcomes don't have to be this detailed, by the way. And you have the absolute right to be opinionated. Because if the other person disagrees, it would make for the most interesting argument about politics ever.) 

(Oh yeah. Whenever somebody "votes", always assume that the person they vote for wins. Or, if more than two people are playing, they could vote and the majority wins. If it's split half and half, rock paper scissors.) 

However, if they chose Hans, the outcome could've been this:

After Hans became president, every person in the country had to give him their unfinished sandwiches. Since people needed those sandwiches, they got angry and overthrew him, and then Scar took his place. You made the wrong decision.

Okay. That is the President Game. Sorry that this Inkequizzle is sort of lacking nonsense. My best friend and I made up a lot of weird games. 

Other examples of candidates:

1. Hannibal Lecter or Buffalo Bill. 

2. An afro kitty or a dog with a mullet.

3. Taylor Swift if she put random yodelers in the background of her songs, or Bruce Dickinson if he brought Eddie to life.

4. A cardboard cutout of a guy, who never moves until you have a pimple on your face. Then he would pluck a hair from your head and glue it to your pimple. 

Or a ukulele player who only sings metal songs, and then when he performs in concerts spray cheese will fall onto the audience and then these tigers have to come out to lick them off. 

Tell me in the comments which out of all if these do you think will win! It would be interesting to start this game on WP.


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