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I was fifteen when it happened.

When the Grisha came and took me away from my brother.

We had been on a job in Novokribirsk when a fight broke out. The fear of me or my twin brother being hurt awakened something in me that the Grisha nearby recognized to be what they called Simple Science.

We'd grown up in Kerch, where the king and the Second Army had no claim over Grisha. But in Ravka, luck wasn't on my side.

I remember my brother's tear-stained face as I was taken away from him. The rough road beneath the carriage jolted me and assured me that this wasn't just some terrible nightmare that I could wake up from. Not like the previous dreams I'd had that I was taken away. No.

This was real.

I remember the sense of unease around me as I was taken into the Little Palace. None of the other children wanted me there. I didn't know why then, but I do now.

They were afraid of me. Of what I could do.

But then the Darkling came to me. He was interested in my abilities. In the raw, untamed power I possessed. And now I understand.

They were right to be afraid.

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