Chapter 1

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Junior A Hockey- A competitive level of ice hockey generally for players between sixteen and twenty one years of age. Provides opportunities for players to hone and enhance their skills. (USA Hockey)


"Jocelyn Diana Foster, put the book down."

I groaned in annoyance as the persistent voice told me yet again to stop reading. I was at a pivotal moment and didn't want to put it down until I was good and ready. Which, in all reality, meant when I was finished. Maybe.

"Shut up Elena, I told you I just need to finish this chapter," I grumbled as I turned the page and tried to refocus my attention on the heroine who was about to save the hero from his burning tower and slay the dragon.

"Joss, you said that three hours ago. Put... the book...DOWN! You only have an hour to get ready before the game."

Sighing, I marked my place and closed my book. Craning my neck, I leaned back against the armrest to look at my roommate who was standing at the end of our second hand retro blue striped couch with her hands on her hips and foot poised to tap.

"I am ready El." I said, waving my free hand to highlight the fact that I was, indeed, dressed like a normal college age girl, in my favorite jeans and a fitted green long sleeve tee-shirt. Nothing flashy but form fitting while still being comfortable. I personally, thought it was a win-win and the perfect outfit for a Friday evening game. I swear I could almost feel her eyes roll.

"you've got to be kidding me, Joss. How are we going to find you a man if you don't dress up the goods!" Rolling my eyes in good natured annoyance, I dragged myself off our very comfortable but very ugly couch and trudged to my room. I wasn't sure if El was following me or not but our apartment was small enough and had thin enough walls she could likely hear me from the opposite end, which was like 12ft, seriously this place was tiny.

"Don't think I didn't see you roll your eyes at me!"

"for heavens sake, it's a hockey game!" I said in exasperation. I should clarify that I normally had a potty mouth but the team I played on had a swear jar in our locker room and being a poor college student I had to change my vocabulary or else I wouldn't be able to afford anything other than dining hall food for the foreseeable future. 

 "My clothes will end up covered by my jersey anyway!" I walked over to my closet and pulled it off the hangar, holding it to my body to prove my point. Probably my most prized possession, but it was huge on me. I could probably get away with wearing nothing under it and still be more dressed than half the girls that would be there. I never quite understood how they could handle showing up to the cold rink in clothing that was barley there and yet they showed up religiously every game. 

"ugh, fine. But you can at least fix your hair and put on some makeup. Seriously, when was the last time you had a date?" 

I hadn't had a date since Sam, but she already knew that. I just wasn't interested in dating right now. I reminded her of this fact yet again.

"I know, I know," she said with a roll of her eyes. "you're focusing on your career. Save me the excuses. Even if you don't want to date you can still find yourself a cute guy to get your flirt on with. Live a little Joss. In two weeks you start training again and you'll hardly have any time to do anything that isn't related to hockey or school." She paused, widening her eyes for dramatic effect. "Now, get all gussied up and lets go!" and with a pointed look, she smacked my butt and bounced into the bathroom we shared. Leaving me to hand my head in defeat.

"You are so lucky I love you!" I called through the closed bathroom door, my shoulders shook with laughter when the sounds of her cackling laughter reached me on the other side of the door. "Also, who the heck says 'gussied up' anymore!"

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