Chapter 16

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When James hung up, I scrambled off the couch and ran to the bathroom. I tried to turn the handle and it wouldn't budge.
"Shit! El, are you almost done?"
El's voice floated back to me through the door."What are you talking about, we just got home. I've literally been in here for one minute. I need like 20 minutes."
"Please please please can I have the bathroom first? I'll cook you dinner all week I swear. James just called and he is picking me up to go rock climbing in an hour. I'm kind of having a crisis and the first thing I need to do is shower!"
I waited for Ellena to answer but everything was silent in the bathroom except for the sound of running water.
I started pounding my fists against the door, "come on El, please?"
The door, swung open in my face and a fully naked Ellena pushed me out of the way walking her way dripping wet to her bedroom."What the hell Ellena, I don't want to see that!"
"You mean this?" she turned to shake her shoulders at me."You wanted the shower, it's yours. Now hurry up, you have as long as it takes me to find a towel."
She didn't have to tell me twice. I scrambled out of my clothes and climbed into the shower, letting out a hiss at the scorching water, my skin not at all prepared for the heat. As I adjusted, I felt my muscles relax and the anxiety I had felt since James had called began to melt away. Thinking about James made me think about our kiss from the night before and my nipples puckered and my thighs ached with a need I had never felt for my ex. I kept replaying that kiss, the way he had tasted, the feel of his rough fingers on my tender nipples.the more I thought about it the more turned on I became. Without thinking about what I was doing I felt my hand sliding down my stomach, moving slowly toward my clit. My fingers brushed over it gently at first, dipping lower to feel how slick and wet I was between my folds before coming back up to circle my clit. I started rubbing more vigorously, closing my eyes and leaning my head back against the shower, my other hand lifting to roll my nipple between my fingers. I imagined James grinning at me with a naughty glint in his eyes and sinking onto his knees in front of me.
"Here Jocelyn," he would say, let me take care of that for you. He would lick his lips and lean forward to press hot sensual kissed to my inner thigh, slowly moving up further and placing a gentle kiss on my swollen clit. His tongue flicking out to taste my wetness. I moaned, my heart rate increasing as I felt him lick my slit slowly from one end to the other, dipping in and probing my aching center.
"Oh god James," I breathed. "Fuck"
I could feel the building ache between my legs, heard James groan in appreciation "fuck you taste good. So damn sweet." Before pulling my clit between his lips and sucking, followed by quick licks, bringing his hand up and inserting two fingers into me and finding that spot that ached so good. It was so good, so intense I could feel myself getting so close.
"James, oh James, oh fuck" faster and harder, he worked me until I couldn't take anymore,and with one final pulse of his fingers against my g-spot I came apart. I opened my eyes, half expecting to see James in front of me. My breath ragged from my release. I let out a long sigh, washed my release from my fingers and continued my shower. I had to hurry if I was going to be ready by the time James got here.I was running around my room trying to find the only cute workout clothes I had when James knocked on the door.
"I'll get it, you stop stressing. I'm sure he'll love anything you wear...especially if it's nothing." Ellena called from outside of my door leaving me with a wink to flounce to the front door.
I could hear El greeting James int he living room, and knew I had to hurry if I wanted to prevent the inquisition. Cursing, I dumped out my top drawer, finally finding my favorite yoga pants and Victoria's Secret sports bra, the only sports bra that doesn't give me uni-boob. I threw those on and grabbed a loose t-shirt and a bag with some extra clothes. Just in case. When I walked into the living room I had to work to control myself so I wouldn't drool all over James. He was wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and when he turned to greet me, I got a good look at his pecks and nearly swooned. Good lord, he was hot. He had shoulders and biceps you wanted to sink your finger nails into.
"Hey" I said, lamely. My mind going blank at the heated look James was giving me as his eyes slowly perused my form from head to toe.
"Hey" he said, taking a step toward me and bending, his hand coming up to my cheek. I caught my breath and felt my eyes flutter closed as his lips came down to meet mine in a slow sweet kiss. I let out a sigh and melted into him, my hands going to his biceps and squeezing. He gradually increased the pressure and reached his tongue out to lightly touch my bottom lip and I opened for him. stepping closer into his embrace and deepening the kiss further. His hand moved from my cheek to the back of my neck, his other hand pulling me closer at the waist. I was about two seconds away from pulling him into my bedroom and saying screw the date, when I heard Ellena clear her throat.
She bounced on her toes and raised her eye brow at us, giving a little wave, "well, you kids be sure to have fun. And be safe. Use harnesses," she said walking down the hallway, "and condoms!" she called over her shoulder before closing her bedroom door.
I hid my face in James' chest, my cheeks burning with embarrassment, "I'm so sorry about her. I'm pretty sure she's missing something vital." I could feel James' laugh rumble his chest.
"She had good timing, I'm pretty sure we could have gotten out of control and I really want to take you out." Stepping back and holding out his hand to me, James asked "are you ready? You look great, by the way"
I slipped my hand into his and ducked my head shyly "um thanks, so do you."
The drive to the rock climbing gym was spent talking about our evenings after our date, and general hockey talk. James held my hand in between shifting, his thumb making slow tingly circles on the back of my hand.
The gym was different than I expected, it was small and intimate. There was a simple locker room, and two climbing rooms, one with a high ceiling and several paths mapped out across it, from that room there was a hallway with a climbing path to take you into the second room which James said had more advanced paths. James rented a pair of shoes for me and then insisted on helping me put them on. He was a perfect gentleman, tying them properly and only letting his hands wander to caress my calves when he finished. His green eyes meeting mine in a mischievous heated glance. When he was done he helped me to my feet and pulled me toward one of the beginners paths. "We'll start over here. Go ahead and put your left foot there and your right hand here." He said pointing to two brightly colored pegs. I did as he asked and waited, "now, pull yourself up and reach your left hand for that peg there" he said pointing to a peg just above my head. I released a breath and nodded, pulling myself up and losing my grip. But James didn't let me fall, he was right there to catch me and help coach me. "You've got this, I'm right here." I repositioned myself and tried again with the same results as the first time. "Here, try this" James said coming up closer behind me. He moved my fingers into an odd grip that made me look at him questioningly, "trust me" he said in response. "Now, turn your foot so you have more contact, you'll notice your shoe is going to kind of hook in there, that's exactly what you want. Now, use your leg and your arm and pull yourself."
I did as he said, and to my amazement I was able to pull myself up to the next peg. I smiled down at him, "okay, what now?"
His answering smile almost made me lose my grip.
"Now," he said "find each of the pegs with the green tape next to them, that's your path. You've got this. And if at any point you feel like you don't, just drop straight back and I'll catch you."
My eyes scanned the wall looking for the tape he was talking about and when I found it, I started. I made slow progress and I nearly fell several times but when I reached the top I had a smile on my face that was a mile wide. I looked down at James and saw his answering smile was just as wide, and then I lost my grip and fell. James' arms were quick to lock around me and keep me from hitting the ground. He pulled me into his chest and I felt it rumble with laughter.
"Thanks" I breathed, he met my eyes and slowly lowered me to the ground. Placing a kiss on my forehead.
"Not bad for your first time. Are you ready to harness up and try climbing beside me?"
"Heck yes," I said excitedly.We spend the rest of the morning like that. Climbing together. Me on the easier paths, him on the more difficult. Poking fun at each other and flirting and laughing and having a great time. I was almost disappointed when James suggested we call it a day but I knew if we kept climbing I would probably never be able to get off the couch again. We showered, separately of course, and met back in the front ten minutes later. James eyes filled with heat as he watched me walk toward him. I hadn't brought anything special for my spare clothes just a pair of clean yoga pants and a flowy tunic. Granted the yoga pants made my butt look great and the tunic was a dark navy blue that made my eyes pop.
"You hungry?" James asked. Taking my hand and leading me back to his truck. His thumb rubbing circles on the back of my hand making me want to purr.

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