Chapter 4

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Wheel: To skate fast. Often used to describe forwards who possess great speed. (The Complete Hockey Dictionary)


In the end we didn't need to get el her nasty soggy nachos. She fell asleep after only a couple minutes of driving. Luckily getting her out of the house wasn't as difficult as it could have been. El was a crawler, for some reason when she hit a certain level of drunk, she just didn't want to walk anymore. But she still wanted to go places. And trust me, it is not easy to catch someone who keeps crawling through the legs of everyone in a crowded house.

"So, what's your address?"

"I'm sorry, what?" I blinked. I hadn't even realized James had been speaking. I had been too focused on thinking about what I should say to even think of saying anything at all. That was the main problem for me, it wasn't that I didn't like talking to people per se, it was more like, I just couldn't do small talk. Any time I was in a situation where small talk was involved my mind would go blank. It was worse if I wanted to make an impression. 

James just smiled at me. "Lost in your head?" his green eyes twinkled as he cocked his head a little to the side, "don't feel bad, my roommate gets the same way. You can be in the middle of a conversation with him and he has just completely checked out. He doesn't mean any harm by it, I think he just gets to thinking about something on an entirely different tangent and doesn't even realize I'm talking to him. It drives coach crazy" he laughed.

 "Oh um, yeah I guess so. I was just thinking about El. But really, I'm just not good at talking to people in general. I'm not sure what my issue is to be honest."

"You're talking to me just fine. Well, I mean aside from earlier. But I can't really blame you, I mean, I did kind of ambush you."

"Yeah well, 1/4 of a bottle of rum is the only reason I'm able to converse like a half way normal human being right now. And I'm so sorry about earlier. I was a total spazoid. I generally just avoid parties altogether but El begged and as insane as she is, she's my best friend and I just couldn't say no to her."

"Ha yeah, she is definitely insane, but I get it. And yes, I will forgive you if you do two things for me," he grinned a mischievous smile, showing the dimple in his cheek. Damn, how in the world had I missed seeing that dimple before now.

"I feel like I should be afraid to ask, but I really do want you to forgive me and quite honestly, I want to forget it entirely, so, what are your demands?" I smiled hesitantly and turned my head to get a better look at him. I had been trying to avoid looking at him directly, I was afraid I would be too dazzled. He was just too beautiful. He had the most amazingly masculine features. I would swear his jaw was cut from steel, it was so angular and perfect, his cheekbones high and his brow dark and angular. He was an Adonis, if I were to guess, I would say his family was at least partially Greek. He laughed, and I mean full on laughed. His laugh, like his smile wasn't something that was forced or given half ass effort. It was full and deep and made tingles run down my spine. It was, well it was sexy, that's what it was.

"Don't worry Jocelyn, I am a gentleman after all. I have only your best interests in mind." He winked at me and I am pretty sure I blushed from my head to my toes. "The first one is really easy, tell me your address, please? Other wise I will be forced to take you back to my place, and as much as I would love that and I am sure Ellena would love that, I doubt it would make you very comfortable."

"Oh, sorry. Yeah that might help, huh? Sorry, just keep following this road. I'm in the duplex's off of 21st.""Really? Which one? I'm on the 22nd street side."

"Seriously? How have I not seen you? I would definitely remember seeing this truck. By the way, she is sexy af. Did you build her?" I had been dying to ask him about his truck since seeing it at the curb. He had a beautiful red and black 1946 dodge power wagon. 

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