Chapter 20

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We were both quiet on the drive, each of us attempting to work up the courage to finish the conversation we had started earlier. I could see her fidgeting with her hands in her lap, reaching across the bench to take her hand, I treaded my fingers through hers and brought it to my lips for a kiss.
"I really don't know a good way to have this conversation without it being awkward so I'm just to start. If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me, sound good?"
I glanced over to see her nod. Her blue green eyes fixated on the swirling patterns of the woodgrain on my dash.
I cleared my throat and began, "so, I've only ever been in one serious relationship. It was back in Minnesota and we dated from eight grade until about half way through my first season here. She was my first everything but when I came out here we started fighting a lot. She was jealous and insecure about everything was constantly accusing me of of cheating on her. I bent over backwards for her, flying home every time we had a break until the day my sister ran into her at a party. She sent me a picture of a couple making out and told me they went home together. The guy was some college guy, Felicity didn't know who he was, but the girl was definitely Megan. I called her the next day and he answered the phone. I let him know she was only sixteen and told him to tell her that her boyfriend had called. She blew up my phone hours later while I was at practice. I finally talked to her a few days later and she tried to lie to me, so I sent her the picture and broke up with her. We haven't talked since. After that I didn't really date. Megan was always accusing me of screwing the girls that followed the team and I figured I might as well do what I was accused of since I didn't have any other attachments. There weren't many, just three and then I had an agreement of sorts with another for a while until I caught her tampering with the condoms. That was last year and I haven't been with anyone since."
Jocelyn was quiet for a minute or two and I swallowed nervously, waiting for her to respond.
"That's actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be," she said after a time.
I didn't really know how to take it. Did she mean she thought I was a manwhore? I must have been quiet for a bit too long because she laughed lightly and squeezed my hand.
"I can tell that came out wrong. It's not that I thought there were hundreds or anything. It's just that I've heard almost all of the regulars at the games talk about being with you, so I figured it was more."
"Ah, yeah no. Just the four of them plus Megan so five. That's it and I wish it wasn't even that many," I said sheepishly.
"I can handle that. I'm sorry about your ex. I get it. I've only ever had one serious relationship as well. We dated for two years. I gave him my virginity before I was ready because I thought that's what good girlfriends did. He was controlling and emotionally abusive. Nothing I ever did was good enough and I let him degrade me and use my body for years. He didn't support me or my career and we only spent time together when it suited him. I finally had the guts to walk away when I caught him in the maintenance closet at the rink getting head from some girl during the last regular season Frost game last year."
I squeezed her hand before releasing it to turn into the open parking space in from of her apartment. Setting my e-brake and turning off the ignition I turned to face Jocelyn. Her green flaked eyes were shimmering with emotion and it tore at something deep in my chest. I thought of all the times Ryan and Criig had kept me from laying her ex out and wished I wouldn't have let him hold me back.
Taking a deep breath to tamp down my anger at the prick who had treated her so poorly, I finally responded, "your ex was a an asshole and a monumental idiot. I saw how he treated you when you were at the games and I always wondered how an idiot like that landed a girl like you. Jocelyn, you are the most beautiful, kind, intelligent and funny girl I have ever met. And you are exceedingly talented. And if I ever make you feel like you are anything less than perfect, please tell me because you deserve a man who will treat you like the warrior goddess you are and you should never settle for anything less."

James didn't make curfew that night. After hearing his speech and seeing the emotion in his face that mirrored my own, I pulled him to me and kiss him fiercely until we were panting and pawing at each others clothes.
"What is it about your driveway?" James exhaled, nipping at the underside of my jaw and making me mewl in frustration.
"Come inside?" I tried my best to look like a seductress and rubbing my hand along the bulge in his pants.
"I shouldn't, I have practice," he groaned.
"I know you're right and I shouldn't even ask, I should be good respectful girlfriend and stop before we get too out of control. But I don't want to stop James. I feel like if you don't come inside and finish what we started, I may burst."
Groaning again, he pushed his fingers into my hair and pull my lips to his, kissing me feverishly. . . Hungrily. "Fuck," he grunted.His eyes were hooded and I could feel his growing erection straining against his suit pants. I knew he wouldn't need much more convincing so I raised my lips to his ear and whispered, "stay the night with me James. Make love to me. Please?"
"You're sure?" he asked, I could tell his restraint was slipping. So I ran my nose along his jawline until I reached his earlobe and I gave it a playful nip.
"Yes, call Ryan and ask him to cover for you," I slipped out of the truck and unlocked the house knowing James wouldn't be far behind.
I made it three steps into the apartment before he caught up to me, spinning me to face him. The heat was still there in his eyes, but there was also a sweetness. He ran his hand down my cheek, asking without words if I was sure. He knew what I was giving him. He knew this was a do over for me and he wasn't going to let me doing anything I wasn't sure about.
"Take. . . Me. . . To. . . Bed." I didn't need to ask twice, he lifted me so I could put my legs around his waist and line up the best parts of us and carried me into my bedroom. It didn't take long for the intensity that had began in the truck to take off like a wildfire. We were pro's at undressing and fooling around by this point in our relationship. But once he had me in my underwear laid out beneath him on my bed, James slowed the pace.Every touch became something much more sensual than lustful. Every kiss had more meaning accompanying the heat.
I knew I was falling in love with him and it scared me but the tenderness in his gaze told me that just maybe he felt the same. His hands skimmed down my sides, drawing goosebumps on my bare flesh as his lips followed to where I needed him most. I moaned when his mouth found my center and his tongue darted out to flick against my clit. One, twice, three times, my hands fisted in the sheets as I cried out in frustration. He gave me a satisfied grin before licking my slit from end to end and slipping a finger into my aching core. He pumped and licked and I cried out my orgasm building, building, building until he slipped a second finger inside and I exploded in Ecstasy. He gently stroked me down from my climax before climbing out of bed to grab a condom from his pocket. As he looked down at me spread naked against the sheets he fisted his erection, once, twice and then tore open the foil packet to cover himself and protect us both.
He knelt gingerly between my legs, telling me I was beautiful and special, and then he was there, nudging at my entrance, my body arched off the bed straining to connect with him fully. He eased himself inside of me so painfully slow I thought I would die. Until he was finally buried to the hilt. I didn't realize I had closed my eyes until James was speaking, coaxing me to look at him. And I did, and what I saw in his eyes was desire but also something more. Some deep, raw emotion I wasn't ready to put words to.
He lowered his mouth to mine, kissing me slowly, deeply and then he was moving. Rocking his hips to the rhythm of our kisses, he so long and so hard, every stroke hit that spot deep inside that sent tingles to my toes and built the ache to a crescendo until I was falling my cries mixing with his quickening breaths until he was over the edge with me. Both of us panting and spent.After a moment, James climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom to clean up. Bringing a damp washcloth back with him for me to clean up with. Then he climbed back into bed and pulled the blankets up around us. I settled my head in the crook of his arm and fell straight asleep.

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