Chapter 24

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We were sitting on opposite ends of my couch facing each other. We thought if we kept a physical distance we might be able to has this out more like the rational adults we were trying to be. And it was working... sort of. I was holding my water bottle in between my folded legs and trying not to fidget too much.James, on the other end, was mirroring me, his adams apple working up and down as he prepared himself for whatever he was about to say. I still didn't know if I was ready to make decisions but I understood and respected his need to lay all our cards on the table. I was crazy about James, he was on my mind night and day, during class, during practice, at night. I wanted to be with him, but I also had a plan and dreams and I didn't know where he fit into all of that. Not really.
James lifted his eyes and made contact with mine, I watched his shoulders lift and fall as he took a steadying breath before beginning.
"I guess I should start by saying I am one hundred percent invested in this. In us. I'm here and I'm yours and I hope you're mine. But I know we're both on the precipice of our dreams and I don't want to mess that up for either of us. Your career is important to you, as mine is to me. So, I guess the first question I have is, how do you feel about a long distance relationship? Don't think too hard about it right now, if we decide it's something we want to consider then we will lay out all the details we can think of that would affect it."
My mind was working into overdrive, there were so many variables and so many unknowns, not to mention extreme levels of trust and security that would be needed to guarantee it would work. But I was willing to consider it, willing to do just about anything to have it all. I swallowed against the lump in my throat, finding my voice was thick with the emotions boiling beneath the surface.
"I think, I would like to consider it. I don't want this to end. We've started something that feels important, it feels vital to the very fabric of my being and I'm not ready to give up on it yet."
I was relieved to see James' smile light up his face, a million watt glow that warmed me all the way through.

"I was really hoping you would say that. How do you want to do this? Do you want to take turns going over what we know or do you have a different idea."
"Well, you already know most of what I know. So, I think it would make the most sense for you to fill me in on your side."
James looked solemn and nodded. "Ok, so when I talked to my agent last, he said he was in talks with a few minor league clubs and a couple NHL teams. I know I'm on the worlds team for USA, and according to the preliminary list I'm top 50."
I could feel my eyes widening more and more with each word. I hadn't been paying attention to the draft class or the scouting report this year. Instead focusing on improving my play to heighten my own career chances. If what he was saying was true, and I doubted he would lie about it, he wasn't exactly one to toot his own horn, then he could end up anywhere in the country or Canada..
"I know the clubs that have reportedly expressed interest are in LA, Edmonton, Montreal, New Jersey, Detroit and Calgary. It's most likely you'll be in Michigan, Minnesota, New York or Boston, right?"
I nodded. There were a few places that overlapped and if I was able to go professional then there was a chance some of those locations would overlap.
"Ok, so if women's hockey is still at the point it is today, there are still three potential overlaps there that would put us close and hten we would hae the off season. I can ask my agent to show more interest in certain cities but nothing will really be set in stone until after the draft. And then if I get signed, I can have him keep an ear out for opportunities closer to wherever you end up. It's going to take patience and we may only get to see each other occasionally until the off season, but it's something. It's also going to take an extreme amount of trust on both our sides but I'm willing to do this. I don't want to lose out on something great like what we're building. I" he swallowed and reached for my hand, pulling me into his lap, "I love you Jocelyn, and I think we have the start of something that could really last. Will you try with me? Please? Because I don't want to lose you."
I was speechless, I didn't know what to say or do as I stared into his eyes that were shining with sincerity and outright love. I took his face in both of my hands and kissed him with everything I had.
"I love you" I whispered against his lips, kissing him with more and more fervor. His hands on my waist traveled under my shirt as our kissing grew more heated and our bodies rocked together in a sexually charged dance. I could feel him hardening against me as I pulled away to look him in the eyes. His were hooded and hazy with desire and I was tempted to give in, planned to give in but first I had to give him an answer.
" Ok," I said.
"Yea, we'll try. And as soon as I know more we will make more concrete plans. But I'm in this with you. I agree, this matters."
"Thank god," he groaned, as his hand slid up my back to cup the back of my head and crush my lips against his. "Bedroom?" he asked against my lips and I nodded incoherently. He pulled me so I was straddling his waist and stood up to carry me to my bedroom where he layed me down on my bed and lifted the hem of my shirt to trail hot kisses up my abdomen. I pulled it off hastily, my bra and his shirt following in a similar frenetic fashion. He was rocking against me, and I felt like my body was on fire. His fingers traced a hot path up my sides, leaving a wake of gooseflesh leading to my straining nipples. He rolled the delicate buds gently between his fingers and gave them a slight pinch before his hands followed his mouth which was continuing its trail of hot kisses toward the waist of my warm ups. He hooked his fingers in the waist band and pulled, his tongue peeking out to trace it's own path from the inside of one hip to the other as his hands, having finished divesting of my pants, stroked lazily up my calves and under my knees, pulling them to hook over his shoulders as he breathed on my aching center through my panties. My breath was coming in pants, anticipating his next move. He gave me a wicked grin and pulled my panties off with his teeth. I laced my fingers through his hair and held on for dear life when his mouth descended where I needed him most and began teasing incoherent sounds of pleasure from my body.

His tongue traced lazy circles around my swollen clit and I was consumed with electric pleasure from my head to my toes.  Breaths were coming faster and faster and I felt the sharp prick of my teeth where I was biting my lip. Trying and failing to keep myself under control. 

"Oh god," I groaned as my climax reached its apex. I barely had time to register the mischievous glint in James's eyes before he pulsed two fingers into my aching core. Stretching and filling me until I thought I would burst and then curling his fingers to stroke the spot he knew would make me unravel. I came apart on a tidal wave of pleasure. 

My protests of disappointment at his withdrawal were immediately replaced with a yelp and a throaty moan as he turned me onto my stomach. His fingers splayed across my lower abdomen, fingers stroking as he lifted my hips and entered me from behind.

His length pumped in one, two, three long and slow strokes as his fingers nimbly coaxed me to another climax. 

I felt his breath, hot on my ear as he nipped the lobe and growled, "touch yourself."

I hesitated, unsure of how to keep my balance while moving my fingers between my legs but James was ready to accommodate. He moved one hand to my breast as he pulled my back to his chest, the other he drug up my throat to my chin, turning me to meet his lips in a consuming kiss.

my fingers found my throbbing clit and I began circling in time with his thrusts. our combined breath, hot and heavy. I felt as if we were merging into one. Each thrust bringing us closer and closer until we were no longer individuals, we were truly one. 

I gasped as my release caught up to me and I screamed out his name, falling forward onto my hands. James increased his pace as I came apart, his own release coming with mine.

We lay tangled together for many long moments, speaking volumes without ever saying a word. Before James gave me a long, slow kiss and slowly withdrew to take care of the spent condom. 

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