Necromacing the Stone

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I rubbed my sleepy eyes with my paws, grumpily flicking my ears as I tried to shake off the remnants of sleep.

"Hey," Sara greeted with a smirk as she entered the bridge.

"Good morning," Nyssa chimed in, her voice warm and welcoming.

"Morning, Captains," I muttered, stretching and blinking groggily.

"Where's the other Mrs. Captain?" Nate asked, looking around with a curious expression.

"Ava had to work," Sara replied simply, her tone conveying her usual nonchalance. Nyssa gave a hum in affirmation.

"With all the new anachronisms, the time tears are getting worse," Amaya said, her eyes scanning the chaotic rifts and cracks that marred the time stream.

The sight was unsettling, the time stream appearing more frayed and unstable than ever before.

"Yeah, I thought we were calling them time cracks," Zari said, her brow furrowing as she took in the sight.

"Hey, what happens if we don't repair history?" Wally asked hesitantly, a note of concern in his voice.

"Working theory: time is frapped together like a smoothie," Ray explained. "So instead of just dealing with Julius Caesar in Aruba, we might end up fighting off Genghis Khan, a herd of woolly mammoths, and a swarm of locusts from the Old Testament all at once."

"And Mallus is freed from time jail, so he could rule over this giant mess," Nate continued, his tone grim.

"Mm, so, worse than Flashpoint?" Wally asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Is that what we're calling the thing that Barry did? I think it's something similar," Ray shrugged in response.

"All right, enough hand-wringing," Sara declared, her voice firm. "Mallus and his team are doubling down on anachronisms, so, so are we. From now on, we're going to do our repairs in teams..."

Sara's sentence trailed off as she suddenly realized something. "Where's Rory?"

Wally nodded and sped away, only to return moments later with Mick in a dark blue robe.

"Impeccable robe choice, Mr. Rory," Nyssa chuckled.

"Who dressed me?" Mick grumbled, clearly annoyed.

"Um, me. FYI, Heat Wave sleeps in the nude," Wally said, looking amused.

"Yeah, tried to warn you, kid," Zari hummed.

"As riveting as this conversation is," Sara sighed, "Gideon, please."

Gideon's holographic display flickered to life. "Zari and Amaya, you will take the Time Courier to Billings, Montana in 1997. The Mona Lisa is about to make a very special appearance on the Antiques Roadshow. Nyssa and Nate, you are in charge of rescuing Tunkha— the Pharaoh—from Germany in 1948. Tama and I will pick up Einstein in the Ice Age, and Mick, you and Wally are on the Jumpship to find and return a dog named Laika to the Soviet space program." Sara gave out her orders.

"No," Mick said flatly.

"Excuse me?" Sara questioned, her eyebrows raised.

"I'm not chasing a Ruskie pooch," Mick grumbled, crossing his arms defiantly.

Sara's body language tensed, and a dangerous air seemed to surround her.

"Uh, I could actually use Mick's help reforming the Fire Totem," Ray interjected, raising his hand before Sara could act on her irritation.

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