Tender is Nate

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I stretched myself under the newly installed cat tower the Legends got me. "As a thank you for saving John's life," was what Ray said.

"Red alert, Dr. Heywood is on the ship, and he appears to have brought his father for what looks to be a surprise inspection," Nyssa's voice warned us through the comms.

"We are so not ready for guests," Zari said.

"Nate's here? I could really use a hug and get his advice on Nora," Ray said.

"Did you forget who else is on the ship? Charlie. You can't let him see her until we have time to explain why there's an Amaya look-alike on board," Sara hissed.

"Right. Last time I saw her, she was in the lab," Zari informed us.

"Everyone, keep Nate away from the lab. I'm on my way," Sara ordered.

"Any tour of the ship should start here. This is where the Legends have team meetings and hold lively symposiums of ideas and solutions, all led by Captain Sara Lance," Nate announced as he entered the bridge.

"And where is this Captain Lance?" Mr. Heywood asked.

"Captain Lance is securing the Legends' next daring mission," I spoke up, jumping down from the cat tower and padding over to them.

"Dear God! The cat talks?" Mr. Heywood gasped in surprise. Why do they all react like that? Have they never seen a talking cat before?

A/N: No Tama they probably haven't.

"Ah yes, this is also where our feline companion, Tama, resides," Nate introduced us.

"Next up, the parlour, which we spell with a U because our first captain was British," Nate gestured to Sara's office.

"So why does a ship formerly manned by a single person now need a—"

"crew of eight?" Ray cut off Mr. Heywood's question, jogging into the room with his tablet in hand.

"I can explain," Ray smiled.

"Hey, Ray."



"Uh, he means seven. You mean seven," Nate corrected him.

"I mean seven. I mean seven. I must have been thinking about Gideon as a real person," Ray laughed nervously.

"Are you trying to hurt my feelings, Dr. Palmer?" Gideon asked as her hologram face appeared atop the console.

"Oh, wow, Gideon. Hubba, hubba. Love the new look," Nate complimented.

"Ms. Tomaz gave me, in her words, a face-lift," Gideon said.

"This is a talking computer?" Mr. Heywood asked.

"Actually, I'm a quantum-enhanced A.I. program, capable of operating completely autonomously," Gideon answered.

"So what you're saying is, you don't need any people on the ship," Mr. Heywood surmised.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, we do." Nate shook his head. "Ray, why don't you show Hank what you do in the—"

"Not the Lab. Hello, sir. Um, you should take him to the library. It's very impressive, and there are...books," Zari cut him off, running into the bridge.

"And bookshelves," Ray continued.

"Bookshelves. See, Hank, it takes a village," Nate said. "Follow me," he gestured out of the bridge.

"Sara! Nyssa! Where are you?" I hissed into the comms.

"We're here, we're here," Sara huffed, catching her breath.

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