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Time travel is real and all of history is vulnerable to the attack which is why we meowst travel through time to stop the spread of these so-called time aberrations and erase their damage to history. We are a team of outcasts and meowsfits, So please don't call us heroes. We're something else, we're Legends.

"How long till Lily's interface tracks down another piece?" Jax asked as he walked into the library with Sara and I in tow. "I don't know, I'm beginning to think our super computer is not so super," Sara said.

"I heard that, you try processing 1.2 zettabytes of data,'' Gideon chimed, slightly offended by the human's accusation.

"Rip's probably being tortured by the legion of doom right now. the sooner we can locate another piece of the spear, the sooner we can set a trap and rescue him" Jax said.

"I could always reroute power to my sub neural processing unit by shutting off life support" Gideon suggested.

"Oh you're lippy this morning Gideon, I like it." Sara complimented the AI.

"I wasn't joking"


I sat on the floor happily chomping on my breakfast, "You know I thought I was gonna hate Ray's chore wheel, but breakfast duty is kind of fun. And it tastes way better than the food fabricator." Nate said as he cooked some pancakes for everyone.

I liked my chore, hunting was always nice. Plus my immortal disposition allowed me to avoid getting sick from those 'bubonic plague' that Ray was always ranting on about.

With my food bowl clean, I moved on the bone marrow Sara gave me as a treat. I purred in delight once the flavor spread throughout my muzzle. Out of all the new treats these humans have given me, I think this is my favorite one yet.

"It feels kind of normal. I don't know what day of the week it is. I don't know how you guys got used to this" Amaya said.

"See, that's the problem of the temporal zone. You don't know if it's Sunday, you don't know if it's Monday, and Sunday should feel different than Monday. I love what we do, I do. It's just sometimes I just wish I could get off this ship" Nate said.

"Yeah, me too," Amaya agreed with him. *Meow!* Yeah! I missed the feeling of running through the woods and feeling the wind brush through my fur.

My meow caught the JSA agent's attention, Amaya picked me up and stroked my chin gently.

*Purr* I purred contently, kneading on her shirt as I settled in her lap.

"You know, when I first moved from Zambezi to D.C., I used to go camping every weekend. I just love being outside, under the stars" Amaya shared.

"That sounds terrible, and cold and miserable, I'm a city guy. And that does not work for me whatsoever" Nate said as he flipped the pancake in his pan fluidly.

Slowly the conversations wound down, the two enjoyed their breakfast routine in content silence. As Nate looked up from his task he noticed Amaya stare "What? Is there something on my face?"

"A little"

"Can you please get it off?"


Amaya reached at his face and wiped the flour off his nose, they both gazed at each other's eyes, Tension building up in the room. I shook my head, and quietly slipped out of the galley to let them have their moment.

Suddenly a huge time quake shook the ship, I quickly ran back into the room to check on the humans I just left behind. *Meow?* Are you guys okay?

The two quickly jumped out of their embrace in panic, just in time as Ray then entered the room. "Did you guys feel that time quake? Must've been a monster aberration. Gideon?" He said.

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