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How will we be remembered? Will it be for saving the world twice? Nope, we're the team who broke time. That's right—history has been torn to shreds, and it's up to us to piece it back together, fixing these so-called anachronisms before we get torn to shreds ourselves. So please, don't call us heroes. We're Legends.


Gideon intercepted a distress call from that one guy—Gary, yeah, that's his name. Now the team is heading out to check it out.

Sara, Ray, Jax, Mick, and I sneaked into a military-looking facility, with Nyssa, Amaya, and the professor staying back on the ship.

"Something feels off about this place," Jax said, glancing around.

"Yeah, like where is everybody?" Ray added, scanning the area.

"Martial law," Mick said, his nose twitching. "It's a police state."

"How did you know?" Jax asked, puzzled.

"I can smell pigs," Mick replied.

"Mr. Rory's right. All the cars on the street are military," Nyssa observed, glancing around.

"More pigs! Get down! Get down!" Mick exclaimed as we quickly went into hiding. I slipped into Sara's shadow to stay out of sight. A large military vehicle rumbled past us.

"It's Argus—covert paramilitary organization," Ray said, his eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, but it seems they've forgotten how to be covert," Jax quipped.

"The signal we intercepted came from over there," Ray pointed ahead.

"Should be here somewhere," Ray muttered, calling out, "Gary! Gary! Gary!"

A head popped out from behind a crate. "Oh no no no no no, she's gonna kill me," Gary whined, his voice trembling.

"The chick from your distress call?" Jax asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, Agent Sharpe. She hates you guys," Gary replied.

"Well, the feeling's mutual," Sara shrugged.

*Meow!* Yeah!

"Look, you said there's a female meta killing everyone. What's going on?" Ray pressed.

"No, this is classified Time Bureau business," Gary refused, looking increasingly nervous.

"Open your mouth and say some words," Mick said, stepping closer with an intimidating glare.

"Guess you're going to have to decide who you're more afraid of: Agent Sharpe, or Mick here," Sara smirked.

"Uh... The Bureau got a ping on some unregulated time travel," Gary admitted quickly. "But when I got here, the person I was supposed to arrest—"

"Was a meta-human who had no problem murdering people?" Sara interrupted.

"Her powers let her control water," Gary whispered.

"A human squirt gun? Big deal," Mick grumbled.

"No, you guys really have no idea how dangerous this woman is," Gary said, his fear palpable.


"Dweeb's right. That chick's dangerous. She just blew through those pigs like it was nothing," Mick said with a smirk, watching the footage Gary had sent with evident enjoyment.

"Actually, I fought someone with water powers like this a few years ago. It was not very pleasant," Ray said, paling as he recalled the unpleasant memory.

"But why would a time-traveling meta-human come to 2042 to kill a bunch of Argus agents?" Jax wondered aloud.

"She didn't," Sara said, rewinding the footage. "She came here to kill their prisoner."

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