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"If Neron wanted Mr. Constantine dead, he would have killed him on the spot" Nyssa comments, "He must need something from him. We have to find them before he can get what he wants" Sara says, "Who knows what he's doing in Ray's name or his perfectly grass-fed organic butter body?" Nate huffs.

"If Haircut's even there" Mick grumbles, "We don't know that Ray is gone" Zari frowns.

"Look, everybody just breathe. Gideon's already on it" Sara sighed, "I've attuned the magic-o-meter to Constantine's frequency. When he uses his abilities, I can zero in on his location" Gideon informed us.

"And what do we do till then?" Nate questions, "Stress eat" Zari deadpans. "Drink" Mick quips, "Yeah, how'd you lot survive until now?" Charlie takes a swig from their flask.

"Look, until we get an alert, we wait" Sara orders. "Right, we wait, I gotta go clear my head" Nate sighs, leaving the bridge. "One question, why am I in charge of the egg" I raised my tail, gesturing to the massive egg dawrfing my feline body, "you do know I'm a cat right?" I huff

"Well it's a magical egg and you're a magical cat, duh" Sara said, I rolled my eyes and picked up the egg with my shadow. Jumping down from the central console I made my way to the lab, following after Nate.


Nate plays cheerful music through the lab, humming along as he sets up the Egg's incubator.

"Huh, I always took you to be more Springsteen than The Rite of Spring " Zari comments as she saunters into the lab. "It's not for me. It's I read that classical music is good for babies" Chuckled Nate.

"Wow, this is very, um, impressive" Zari observes the glass container. "Yeah, I found a book about dragons in Constantine's collection" Nate gestures to the book on the table. "The egg must incubate under the mother at her body temperature lest the egg expire. Yeah, I'm not gonna sit on that thing" Zari says.

"I figured as much. That's why I got a Tama" He lifts me up by My scruff "*Mreow*" I grumbled. "We have to do everything possible to make sure nothing bad happens to this egg" Nate says as hey placed me gently on the egg. I made myself comfortable, curling around the shell.

"Hey, The egg's gonna be okay. I know it" Zari calls him, "Wait till Ray sees that we have a dragon" Nate smiles.

"He's gonna love it" Zari says, "Yeah" Nate nods. "I've picked up an alert with Constantine's magical signature" Gideon announced. "That's them. Tama, stay on the egg! Don't let anything happen to it!" Nate shouts as he and Zari rushed out the Lab.

"Well it's just you and me now, little dragon" I paw at it, *Rumble Crash* the waverider shook. I perk up from my spot against the egg, "Gideon? What's happening"

"By my calculations, we're buried beneath 357 feet of ice and snow. Plus, our primary temporal delineator has been rendered nonfunctional with the extreme weather" She informed me. Huh, well that's not good.

I picked up the egg, carrying it with me as I made my way to the bridge,

"Gideon, how long until the ice thaws?" I heard Nyssa ask as I enter The bridge. "The Ice Age ends in 11,121 years" Gideon answered.

"All right, who we eating first? 'Cause shot gun, not" Charlie said, "Captain, we're running on reserve power. I recommend disabling all nonessential functions to conserve energy for life support" Gideon suggests, "Do it, We need to be responsible and conserve power. Cut off the main generator, the fabricator, and the thermostat" Sara ordered.

"Neron is out there with Ray and Constantine all because we fell for his trap because you fired on Ray" Nate growled at Mick.

"And what was your plan, pretty? beat him to death in a snowball fight?" Mick huffed, "We were supposed to take him in, not take him out, Mick" Nate snaps.

Tama of Tomeowrrow | Under Heavy Editing 📃Where stories live. Discover now