Chapter four ||back to plan A||

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Chapter four

[Jadelyne’s POINT OF VIEW]

“Mess with him again boys, and you’ll know what’s coming” I threaten, Josh, Adam and Kevin for bullying the kid, come on, who in their right mind does that, beating up new kids, that’s low even for them.

I turned to see the new kid, he had scar on his face, he look scary but I wasn’t scared, I gave him a smile has he was practically drool at me, it made me giggled a bit “are you alright? Might want to close your mouth, flies might go in” I said as I let his hand go.

“I’m James, thanks, but I could have handle it myself” he stated, “sure you can” I said with a wink and he blushed, which made me giggled again, “I have to go, I’m already late for P.E” I said before running off.

“I didn’t catch your name” I heard James shouted, I turn to him and gave a little smile “I didn’t gave my name, mate” I said, I know it was a stupid answer, but I’m cool like that.

I ran to the dress room, to change into my sports outfit, short black pants and a Caribbean shirt, I didn’t take much time, knowing coach would kill me for being this late.

[Nathanael’s POINT OF VIEW]

I need to change the plan back, I don’t get why I dedicated to even go to school, pass few months, I went to school, the principle would know the real me, the prince me, and I would just wonder around the school finding the right girl but Albert convince me to study as well, it’s not like I’ll have class with every girl in the school.

I’m change back the plan to how I planned it out, I took my phone out from my pocket and dial Albert, he picked up after one ring “crown prince” he answered like he usually does “is something the matter?” he sounded worried, can’t blame him, I never called from school unless with was emergency.

“yes something actually happen, almost got gang banged here, I’m change back the plan, get here now and we’ll me the principle together, I’ll be waiting by my car” just as I was about to hang up I remember something “oh, Albert, get me a new car, please, a normal car, a normal old car, or any car that doesn’t look expensive, ok?”

“did something happen?” he asked, god obviously I wouldn’t say if it was alright “the car broke down three times on the way to school” I explain, I shouldn’t be mad, it was me who asked for a beaten up car.


It look fifteen minutes for Albert to get here, so I didn’t do much, it took me five to find my way out and back to my car. “Crown Prince” Albert greeted me as he got out of his car, and I nodded for us to go to the principle.

We had to go to the registration room first to make an appointment, lucky us the principle is having a meeting that would end soon and we would be next, never really like waiting, you know being prince and all, I get what I want in a blink of an eye.

“The principle is ready to see you, guys” the old woman from earlier when I got my registration, popped out from the principal’s office, just few minutes after she went in. I nodded at Albert and we went in together.

“Morning, Mr. Gold” the principle, was a over height man that look like KFC, he look out his hand and I shook it, before giving it to Albert “and Mr.?” Albert took it as he introduce himself “Bond, Albert Bond”

“Take a sit, gentlemen, how may I help you?”He asked, Albert took out a letter from my father stating who I am and what I was doing. Albert wrote the letter, my father signed it. The principle’s body stiffened as he look up from the letter “Prince Nathanael” he said as he look at me and I nodded.

“Oh my, where are my manners, the called the lady from outside by the phone speaker and the woman came back in to take our request of drinks and left.

“So you are looking for a wife, my prince?” he asked as to confirmed the letter “yes, principle and I think I might just find her here, you see I only have two more months, before I have to go back and marry whoever it is my parents choose.” I explained

“I bumped into a girl earlier, didn’t get her name and how I bumped into her is because your jocks were about to give me a beat down, and she save me” I statement and the principle apologies for them. “in the old school what I did is just wonder the school, doing things I like, I have to say it helps me to meet, girls that does thinks I like too, like if I go to a music room never know if the girl at the piano might play one of my favorite songs”

“Very well then, I can never say no to a royal, you have the school, you may go as you wish, I hope you find her, Crown Prince” he said as we all stood and he walked us to the door. The bell rang by the time we got out go of the registration room, the hall was filled with student.

I was planning on going to the hall, where she might still be whoever the girl was I need to find her. “Let’s go home, Albert, I’m still tired, I’ll find her tomorrow” I said as we were about to make it to the car, a loud laugh was heard I turned to see, the girl, with a group of other girls and guys, she was laughing with them, she was close with the boy beside her.

Stupid me, of course girls like her would have boyfriends, to think that I could have her all to myself, she would choose the guy in a heartbeat, I haven’t realize that I was still staring till, she winked at me, and left her group, I went to her as fast as I could, but she was out of sight by the time I reached her friends.

“Excuse me” I said trying to get her friends attention, two girls screamed at my face and the other just hide behind the boy that was close with the girl earlier. “Get away! Stalker! Ew!” the girl behind the guy screamed, and I just rolled my eyes.

“The girl with the light brown hair and blue eyes, where did she go?” I asked and the rolled his eyes, he looked pissed, boyfriend I thought. “Never mind” I said and left, I didn’t wait for Albert, I just walk straight for the car.

I was so pissed I told Albert to use the beaten up old car while I use the car he came here with Nissan Z4.

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