Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven

[Nathanael’s POINT OF VIEW]

I woken up at my usual, Albert didn’t have to wake me up, I stared at the ring, my grandmother’s ring, a ring my future wife will use on her finger, a ring that will tell the world that she is mine and only mine and will never belong to anyone else.

There was a knock on the door, I look on the clock it was eight, Albert is right on time, and he came in to see me awake, leaving him shocked. “Morning, my prince, you’re up again early” he said as he tried to fix my bed with me on in.

“I’ll be packing tonight, we’re leaving in two days, I’ll pack most of the things, leaving two different out fit for tomorrow and the day after” he said and I nodded, two days I’ll be leaving in two days, with a fiancé or not.

“How is everything going with, with” he tried to say her name but he doesn’t knowing making me laugh “what is her name, prince?” he asked

“I don’t know, either, Albert, she is like a Cinderella, I don’t know her name she won’t tell me, I mean she is my girlfriend but I’m the worst boyfriend in history to not know her name.” I said laugh before continuing “but I do call her angel”

“Albert, I think I’m going to propose I mean today, I know she is the one, her personality and all, my people will like her, she would make a good queen one day, Albert and I love her, I know I love her.” I said still staring at the ring that I was playing in my hands.

I forgot about my phone going off earlier, and went to check if it was Angel, if she texted me or something and she did, she texted me “r u going to school? I’ll be waiting for u at the basketball court at 9, our usual time, I have free period, <3 u”

I smiled at the text with the heart and u, it’s really an I love you but it’ll do for now, I texted her back “morning, angel, I just got up, will see u in an hour, I love you” I got up from the bed and took a shower.






I’ve spent an extra five minutes later in the shower than I usual did and I that ten minutes to be in school and five to be in the court, I never like making girls wait, other than my mother and sister of course. I grab the shirt and jeans that Albert, had laid on the bed, grab my wallet and sprinted down to the hair.

“Prince” Albert shouted as I passed him, “Prince, someone is here to see you” he said but I ignored him and got into the car “prince” he knocked on the window and I wave a hand on him and drove off.

I arrive at the school parking lot in ten minutes, I searched for my phone to text my angel but remembered that I’ve forgot to take it on the way out of the room, I got out of the car and just walk to the court, I still had five minutes, and might still be in class and will be out in five and it’ll take her another five to reach the court, I calculated in my head.

[Jadelyne’s POINT OF VIEW]

I didn’t feel like going to school this morning, but having to meet James would be great, I text him first before I go for a school, when I was done, he still hasn’t replied, he usual gets up at eight and is always at school by nine.

I grab toast bread my father made with eggs and ate it in the car on the way to school, I was hungry. Mike reached school at the same time as me, even parked his car beside mine, we both got out at the same time “Morning, Jade” he said with a smile.

“Morning, Mike” I greeted back with a smile as I walk away from my ride, Mike walk by my side.

“I’ll walk you to class, we have first period together” he said “so are you really with that guy, the one with scars, I mean he’s scary and you deserve better” he said

“You mean I deserve you, Mike? I said annoyed with him. “Mike, I like James, and his face doesn’t bother me at all” I stated.

“But jade, he doesn’t look right to me, he will hurt you, I can tell, you’re better off with me, I would never hurt you or anything, plus what is he? Twenty? And he will start senior year next year? Come on Jade, you can do better than that” he tried to reason with me making me more mad inside, I’ve never been really mad before.

“you know what, Mike, deal with it, deal that I’m with him and not you, you’re a great friend, a best friend, but we can be nothing more, Mike, I love you as a friend, I like James, really really like him, hell I think I’m even in “ I screamed but Mike shut me by crashing his lips with mine.

It didn’t feel good like the kiss with James but it was not bad either, thinking of James, everything hit me, why am I kissing him? I mean I didn’t return his kiss, I pushed him away from me and ran for the toilet, I didn’t went to first period, I didn’t tell James what happen, I didn’t anything wrong thou.

I went to my other classes, till it was nearly nine and I couldn’t wait for the bell to ring that I ask to be excuse ten minutes early, I was done with my work, and I’ve handed it in, so the teacher just let me out. I shove all my things in my locker first before heading for the basketball court.

It was almost ten when I’ve reached the back, James still haven’t arrive, so I waiting while shooting some hoops.

[Nathanael’s POINT OF VIEW]

By the time the court was in view, there was girl playing, shooting some hoops, I could tell that it was my angel, by her hair color and how it untied and just being let down, swaying right and left as she dribble the ball.

I walk closer quietly, she still hasn’t notice me, “did you skip or something, love?” I asked making her jump and telling the ball go to turn to see me, I smiled at her and the bell rang, and we could hear echoes of doors being slammed open.

“Nope, I got the permission to get out early” she defended her self. “Are you going to take me out later? A movie Beautiful Creatures, is got and I’m dying to see it” she said as she picked up the ball and start dribbling it but I ran to her side and stole the ball, gave a smirk before shooting.

“Ergh, you never let me win, isn’t that what boyfriends are suppose to do? Tell their girl, have everything with it?” she pouted as I walk closer to her for a kiss, but she had other intentions, she grabs the ball from my hand and shoots it on the hoop, before looking back at me smirking.

“An angel with a devil’s attitude, now that is first” I flirted, I grab her by the arm and pulled her for a kiss, the kiss which I intended to only be a peck, became longer than I excepted, I didn’t know how much lips crave hers until it was collide.

I bite on her lower lips begging for entrance, she only give in when she let a moan, a very sexy one, it was hard to hold it together, I wanted to hold her the only I could to feel her, to make love to her, to show her I love her. Everything crashed with a single word from a single voice.

“Nathanael” someone said my name and I pulled away from my angel and turned to see who it was, it was Caroline, ergh, who did she even, ergh Albert, this is what he wanted to tell me earlier, shit, I’m fucked up now, I guess.

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