Chapter seven ||basketball||

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Chapter seven

[Jadelyne’s POINT OF VIEW]

I’m starting the hate the school’s bell, I don’t know what’s with me but I wanted the kiss yesterday, James is the first guy ever kissed, if you don’t count my brother and father that is. I never really like fairytale so I didn’t bother getting my first kiss early like the other girls.

I was drying my hair, as I remember yesterday, the feeling of his lips almost near mine, I must be crazy to want James’ kiss and not Mike, Mike is better looking than James, but something in me wanted James more.

I mean I never did care about looks, Mike might have some of my personality but maybe I’m just looking for a guy that is the opposite of me.

My hair was finally dry, I applied my mascara and lip gloss before grabbing my bag and headed for school, I usually bump into James around nine, he doesn’t go to my school, he doesn’t go to class, he just wonder around, seeing if the school will fit him.

I kiss my father, mother and brother goodbye, my mom is rarely home in the morning, she is a nurse in RIPAS, she usually have her shift from eight noon till eight in the morning except for Wednesday, it’s her off day.

[Nathanael’s POINT OF VIEW]

I woke up myself today, with a smile, still remembering her lips on my cheeks, I didn’t feel the kiss directly, due to the mask, but her lips burned my mask that I could almost feel it on my skin.

The door open and I sat up in an instant, leaving Albert shock, “Prince, you’re awake” he said still shocked, I nodded as to say yes, obviously. He looks to the side on the wall where a clock was hanging “but it’s eight in the morning”

I raise one of my brows, not sure what he is meaning “you never get up eight in the morning, willingly” he said making sure I heard the “willingly” clearly, making me laugh at the process.

“Oh, Albert, I slept early last night” I said even when I slept at my usual time, he nodded and when to on the hot water at the bathroom.

“I’ll go get breakfast ready” he said as he made his way to the door, “wait” I stopped him “if the girl, my angel, if she is the one and I asked her to marry me, would she say yes? Mean, ten days, we would know each other for only ten days, and I’ll have to propose in six, do you think she will say yes?” I asked

He look down on the ground thinking before looking back at me “the truth, my prince” he said sadly and I nodded “no” he answered my question, “I don’t think she would accept, unless, she is your truth soul mate, some people, it take them years to know there soul mate, that’s why some people take years before proposing” he explained and I nodded and got up for a shower.


I arrived the school grounds, at 8.30, didn’t eat much breakfast, thinking about what Albert, has said earlier, how if she is my soul mate and I know because I’m searching but she won’t because, because I don’t even know.

I went to the basketball court at the back, not sure if I am going to bump into her today, I saw a girl, her hair tied up, wearing the school’s P.E uniform, she was playing basketball by herself.

The girl turn for me to see her face, it was my angel; she stopped when she caught me staring and blushed. “So you sing, and play basketball, is it?” I said with a flirty, she nodded “is there something that you do that I don’t like? Must you have passion for everything I like?” I said with a wink this time.

I walk to her, closing the space between us, I could she her body stiffen as I was so close to her, our eyes lock with another, I wanted to kiss her lips, but it wouldn’t be right, I should be leaving and just let my parents choose my future wife, knowing that she won’t say yes when I propose made me scared to be around her, falling for her more every second just to be hurt and rejected at the end.

I grab the ball from leaving her shocked and shoot it at the loop. She finally move towards me trying to take the ball from me, and we started playing, she laugh around while shouting curse after curses every time I shot the ball or when I manage to take the ball from her.

[Jadelyne’s POINT OF VIEW]

Ergh, this guy seriously know how to play, to think because I am a girl, he would make it easier for me but now, he won’t even let me touch the ball for more than five seconds, he was about to shot the ball again, as he jumped I pulled him but his shirt causing him to fall on me.

I felt my backward collide with ground sending shots of pain, once he saw me in pain he didn’t put weight on me, but he didn’t got up either, he was still on top of me, both hands on the side on my head, helping him to not put weight on me.

Our eyes lock for a few seconds, before I realize he was now staring at my lips, eyes as if, it’s begging to feel my lips, I too, was begging to feel his, I push my head up from the ground a bit our lips were together, at first, he didn’t move maybe shock by my actions.

We than move in sync, he kept biting on my lower lips begging for entrance, this kiss was amazing, it was so hard to hold a moan, I moaned, and he took the chance and slide his tongue in and they too moved in sync, it was wonderful.

This time, one of his hands held the back of my neck, keeping his elbow to support his weight, his other hand slide to my back, he move to the side and carried me with him, now I am on him, our lips hadn’t yet parted. I didn’t want it to stop.

I could feel him harden and my body to was responding to him.


I awaken by the sound of the bell, James, still holding me close to him. He covered my body with his and some of our cloths, I’ve lost my virginity to him, on a basketball felid, now that is new, the thought of earlier, made me blushed. I checked the time on the watch James was were, it was a Rolex, I saw this Rolex before, it cause like thirty-three thousand here, but the prize didn’t bothered me when I saw the time, it was ten, in fifteen minutes, the basketball team would be practicing here.

“James, wake up, love, we got to go” I shook his body as I tried to get out from this hug but he held me tighter, as if a kid holding his favorite doll afraid of losing it. “Wake up, James” I shook him more “we have to get dress, the basketball team has practice in fifteen minutes” I said and he shot up in an instant.

He looks at me and smile “I thought it was a dream, holding you, I thought I was a dream” he said which made me smile “get dress now, James” he nodded and we both got dressed.


I went to class, James followed me, he sat beside me too, everyone was staring, Mike even glared at him, when James took his seat beside me during English, I’ve told James, to just wonder around but he insisted, he said he didn’t want me out of his sight.

He carried my bag and books too, followed me to every class, I had till school was done. He walked me to my car “Angel” I look at him waiting for him to continue “do you want to go out with me?” he asked making me smile “you do know, that you’re mine right?” he said possessively which I thought was romantic.

“Yes, James” I answered and tippy toe for me to kiss him on the cheeks “tomorrow is Friday, you don’t have school on Fridays’” he stated and I nodded “yeah, Friday and Sunday is a holiday, we have school on Saturday” I said “because the Muslims have their prayer on Friday’s” I explained

“I’ll take you out tomorrow, Angel, text me your address” he said and I nodded and got into my car, he gave me one last kiss on the lips, before walking to his car and I drove off.

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