Chapter ten

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hello my lovely fans and reader :) i'd like to say that i got a new book out i know i've said it on the last chapter lol, pleae check it out, it's titled "the forgotten princess" you're going to love it and for this book, it's to come to an end, i wanted to write a sequel but decided not too :/ so four chapter tops.

Chapter ten

[Nathanael’s POINT OF VIEW]

I was awakening by the ring made by my phone, RINGRING... RINGRING.., I stirred at first, thinking that the ring was coming from my head, from my dream, the ring soon stop for a while to start ringing again. Finally my voice mail answered it.

“This is James, I’ll busy right now, or if you’re calling early in the morning, I’m just too lazy to get up, leave a message at the beep” Beep.

“um, morning, James, it’s me, angel, um you’re not up yet I guess, we have to be in school in an hour, just wanted to see if you forgot about it, I’ll see you later, if you’re not here in thirty minutes, I’ll go to school myself and you my love, I’ll have one very angry girlfriend.” I didn’t really hear her words but I heard the laugher “I’ll be waiting” wait, its angel.

I shot up in an instant to grab the phone but the call was already ended, it texted her morning, love, I’m up, be there in thirty.

[Jadelyne’s POINT OF VIEW]

I woke up to grab my phone first to see if I got any text messages for James but there is none, I went to take a shower first before trying to call him, maybe by the time I am done showering he’d be awake and I’ll have a text.

I got out off the shower as I heard my phone rang, I grab a nearby towel and grab my phone only to see that there was nothing, I was just imagining the sound, I think I’m going crazy, I’ve never been like this about a boy.

I went back to the shower and continued my shower, when I was done my phone was still empty, I was fight the urge to call him. There was an hour left or we would be late, I sucked up my pride and dial the number.

The first call and he didn’t pick up, I didn’t wait for the voicemail, he might be in the shower or something, ergh, I sucked up my pride again and called, one miscalled is worst; leaving two is just stupid or clingy.

This time I waited for his voice mail “This is James, I’ll busy right now, or if you’re calling early in the morning, I’m just too lazy to get up, leave a message at the beep” Beep.

“um, morning, James, it’s me, angel, um you’re not up yet I guess, we have to be in school in an hour, just wanted to see if you forgot about it, I’ll see you later, if you’re not here in thirty minutes, I’ll go to school myself and you my love, I’ll have one very angry girlfriend.” I laugh hoping he could make the sound of nervous “I’ll be waiting”

I hung up after that only to receive a text message a few minutes later, morning, love, I’m up, be there in thirty.


I waited outside, playing on the swing, his car rode up the drive way, I got to the car as in time for him to get out from this car and ran over to the other side to open my door.

“Morning, angel, sorry I got up late” he said as he kissed my cheeks before letting me slide into the car.

“Morning too, I was about to get pissed at you” I admitted

“I guess you haven’t heard then, being mad at a person is one way to show them that you love them, um, I mean care, show that, um you care, not love, care” he stuttered making me laugh and shut the door and went to the driver sit.

“I know what you mean, love” I said still giggling.

“I um, I don’t to scare you off with the L word so um, um” I pulled him for a kiss, I felt him relax.

“Come on now, or we’ll be late” I said and he nodded before shifting gears.


We reached school just on time, everyone stared as us, as I was walking hand in hand with James, James got a few deadly glares from jocks. We went to play on some games that were put out for students; James had won me three dolls, in just two hours.

I got hungry, seeing as I didn’t get breakfast earlier, “James, can we go eat? I’m starving” I pleaded as I tug on his shirt, to go to the cafeteria. We both ordered two tuna sandwich I favorite which is also his, and some chips.

James paid for it and we took our trays, I saw my girls seating at the usual and walk over to them, with James in tow. I sat beside Sam and James beside me, they stared at him “um, are you in the wrong table?” Sam said to James with glare.

“no, he with me, we’re kind of a thing” I answered, they all gasped, Mike stood from his seat and walked out “B, you’ve got to be kidding me” Sam hissed at me, my friends calls me B because I’m like the youngest in the group, B stands for baby.

“Deal with it, Sam, he is mine, he is my boyfriend” I hissed back before getting up from the chair, carrying my tray in one hand and the other pulling James hand.

We walked to the basketball court at the back, it wasn’t being used which I was grateful for we could just sit on the middle of the court, eat our tuna and talk.

“Sorry about Samantha, back there, you know how it is being popular and all” I apologize.

“You don’t have to be sorry, I’m used to it being like this, I mean my face, it’s scary I get it” he said as he took a bite of my sandwich and I smacked his arm for it.

“Mine!” I hissed making him laugh.

“you’re mine, angel” he said sweetly making me blushed, the cupped my cheeks with his hands “you’re cute when you blush” he giggled “god, you’re so beautiful, one day god is going to realize he’s missing and angel and try to take you from me” I blushed more, the jerk really know how to sweet take.

“Before the accident, you must have a lot of admirer with a tongue like that” I said as I took a bite.

“I’ve dated but never made it official, you’re my first” he said making me blush more, I bet my cheeks is now red as I baboon’s butt.

“well, you’re my first too, I never really like waiting time knowing it won’t work but you, you make me hope for the best” I admitted and kissed me from my lips up to ears “god, angel, I’m falling for you” he whispered making a smile crawl on my lips.

“Then say it, James, I want to hear it, I won’t run, I promise, my ears and my heart is craving to hear them” I admitted

“I love you, angel” he whispered and hug me close to his body, the words sends shocks to my body making it weak to even open my eyes. “I love you” he repeated “god!” he said this time stand up “I love you! I love you, angel” he screamed making me laugh at him, he was so romantic and, he is my first love and I think, I think I love him too.

“Angel” he said as he let out a hand for me to take, to help up. I took it and stood in front of him, he pulled me crushing my body with his, he sniffed my neck taking in my neck “I don’t want to lose you, angel” she whispered and I nodded

“Say it again, James” I said still craving for the word. He pulled me as he ran back to the crowed people, I wasn’t getting what he was going to do, and it he took a chair from the side and stood on it for everyone to see him.

“Good morning, JIS!” he screamed. “PSYCHO!” someone screamed from behind “ok, I just want everyone to know that this is girl here on my right” he pointed me and people stared my way. “I asked her to be mine, yesterday and she said yes” he shouted for everyone to hear

“And, and I love her” he said, causing everyone to scream in joy and clapping my hands. I could hear words “romantic, sweet, and jealous” he got down from the chair and held my cheeks again “one day, angel, I’m going to hear you say it too, and one day I’m going to know your name and not only the first letter B, is it Britney?” he asked playfully and I shook and explained the B, we stayed at the school a few more hours before he send me home.

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