Ch.1: Into Another World

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"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog

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"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. I have quite a story as to how I ended up in Hell. Why you ask? Well, I'll tell you. My friends and I were figuring out that Eggman was up to no good once again, so we had to stop him. Myself, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow, and Silver all barged into the Egg Base and saw what the trouble was about.

It turns out that Eggman collected the Chaos Emeralds from under our noses. And to make it worse, he's managed to capture the Master Emerald, the gem that powers the Chaos Emeralds. We all stopped him, but that's when things start to become more crazy. Eggman's plan was to send me and my friends to another world to trap us. It worked, but it also dragged Eggman as well.

I have no idea what's going on around, or who to trust. But I happen to meet a Hedgehog Demon that was really nice. His name was Scarlet the Demon Hedgehog. From what I heard, he's the fastest demon in Hell. The Speed Demon. So far, I'm going to trust him, and hopefully I'll be able to find my friends. Hang on guys, I'll find you!"


After falling from the sky, another Hedgehog rushed in at the nick of time and saved him from the fall. The Red Hedgehog set him down and begins to speak.

???: Are you okay?

Sonic: ... Yeah... I guess. That was quite a fall.

He then stands up as he looks at Red Hedgehog. The Hedgehog was different then Sonic, as he had long red hair and quills on his back, a black shirt with a grey vest, black long gloves and white and red gloves with what seems to be Inhibitor Rings. He had black and red pants as well as white, red, and yellow shoes. The demon had red eyes and a yellow sclera.

Scarlet: You're a Hedgehog... Like me.. sorta. *stands up* I'm Scarlet. The Demon Hedgehog.

Sonic: Nice to meet you. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog.

He then looks around as he then kips up and looks at Vara.

Sonic: Where am I? What is this place?

Scarlet: This is Hell.

Sonic: Wait, what?

Scarlet: This is where sinners go when they committed alot of sins, they come here once they die.

Sonic: But... I'm not dead.

Scarlet: I didn't say you were. I'm dying to know how you ended up here without dying. You don't seem to be that kind of Hedgehog to do something bad.

Scarlet: Well, of course not. Have you looked at me? I mean, who wouldn't like me?... Anyway, I'll explain on what just happened.

He then starts to explain everything from the beginning. Sonic and his friends, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow, and Silver were all investigating the Egg Base to figure out what Dr. Eggman was planning. He had all of the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald, which powered up his machines ten times more then the separate emeralds.

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