Ch.8: Help from Heaven & Holding on to Hope

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SCARLET SQUAD - Demonopolis

After receiving word that Shadow Squad has recovered two other Chaos Emeralds, the entire team now had five Chaos Emeralds. At the center of Pride was the once lively Demonopolis, the giant red tornado was where Black Doom was residing and where Lucifer was being held. And they're was two last Chaos Emeralds located at the front. 

Scarlet: The two last Chaos Emeralds are a bit far away, but at least it's out of that storm. I'm a bit antsy, but seeing Charlie going to help her dad is a bit reckless. How did she convince Lilith?

Angel: I wouldn't ask. But if anything, it'll piss off Vaggie. 

Scarlet: Very. So not ready for what's about to happen after we defeat Black Doom. 

Silver: We need to hurry. We don't have time. 

Cherri: Chill out, we got this. 

Scarlet: Besides, I'm called the Speed Demon for a reason. Let's go! 

The three leap off the building as Silver flies overhead of them. The three were now grinding on the rails as then now start to run through the road, dashing through the black creatures and going through a loop. Upon bouncing off of three springs, they all land and pass the first checkpoint. 

While speeding through the course, Angel was taking out the black creatures with his tommy gun while Cherri was leaping and kicking each creature away, and blowing them up in the process. As Scarlet starts to spin dash, Cherri takes out her bat and hits Scarlet towards the black creatures and taking them out one by one. 

Upon defeating the creatures, the team progresses forwards as they use the dash panel to loop around two times, then using the dash ramp to soar to the other segment of the course. Passing another checkpoint, the three leap up towards a railing and start to rail glide around the city and the devastation below them. 

Behind the three, a new creation of Pentious was flying overhead as it was his Egg Blimp 2.0. Now flying over at a moderate speed, he flies ahead of the three. A wave of the black creatures was vastly coming towards them, but Pentious blew them up and cleared the path for the three. The three grinded through a loop and bounced off a spring and through three red rings and a rainbow ring. 

Performing tricks and landing on the floor, they pass the last checkpoint as Scarlet starts to homing shot more black creatures, until Angel tosses a rifle towards him. He catches it as he starts to mow down the creatures in front of him, clearing a path for Angel and Cherri to get through. With all black creatures dead, the two sped through the course and went through another loop, dashing off the ramp and making it towards the goal ring. 

Upon making it to the end, the three spot a Chaos Emerald on the ground. 


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