Ch.9: The Final Battle to Save All Realities

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In the world filled with joy and happiness, Heaven is a place where pure hearts go when they pass on. As the happy life of all cherubs was normal, a bunch of black clouds started to loom in, breaking the tension. Black Doom, now in his giant form, was causing alot of destruction but hasn't taken any lives as of yet. 

While flying around, he breaks through the gates of Heaven and swipes away all of God's sons and daughters. He then flies towards God as a bunch of black clouds started to swarm the area. 

Black Doom: You must be the God of all creation. Now, you shall meet your own destruction!

Right as Black Doom was about to attack, the dark red blast was siphoned away as the four Super Hedgehogs appeared in front of God. 

Black Doom: I thought I have destroyed you!

Super Scarlet: You won't kill me that easily, Black Doom. You may think you're powerful, but you forget one thing. With our friendships, you will never get what you want. 

Black Doom: I see that you have gained alot of persistence. This reborn life you have developed will be ripped away by yours truly.

Super Shadow: Not this time, Black Doom. I have defeated you before, and I will do it again. 

Super Silver: The terror you caused for everyone will be stopped. You will be stopped!

Super Scarlet: Heaven, Hell, Earth, Mobius... they don't belong to you! And we're going to make sure that it doesn't happen!

Super Sonic: You heard em.

Black Doom: Then once I'm finish with you, you will be casted out into nothingness! Forgotten! 

Super Sonic: Like we haven't heard those before. Time to put up or shut up, Doom! 


F A L L E N  A N G E L  D O O M

Lucifer: Do you think they can do it?

Tails: They are our last hope, for all realities. 

Charlie: I'm counting on you four, good luck. 

The Super Hedgehogs then start to fly towards Black Doom as they were now flying through the black clouds, with the light following behind them. With Super Sonic leading, he dashes towards Black Doom as he super dashes his claws and around. Now slugging back, Super Scarlet starts to fly forward and give it a try. 

Angel: Kick his ass, Scarlet!

Cherri: Give him the old slap on the wrist!

Super Scarlet grins as he then lands on Black Doom's claw, drawing his attention as he was then about to slam his fist. He then flies away, letting Black Doom hit himself. He then turns around as he then super dashes through the black wings, staggering him back and making him lose feathers. 

Super Scarlet: That outta deal some damage. 

Super Shadow: I'll take it from here, you go and collect some rings. 

With Super Scarlet tagging out to collect some rings, Super Shadow tags in as he then dashes towards Black Doom, charging his Super Chaos Spears and blasting them towards his eye. With Black Doom staggering back, Super Shadow super dashes in and attacks through his tail, dealing some massive damage. 

Blitzo: Holy Fuck, that was amazing! Did you see that, Mox!

Moxxie: We all did, sir. 

Millie: Moxxie, learn to celebrate the moment!

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