Ch.4: Friends Until the End

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"My name is Scarlet the Demon Hedgehog. Yesterday was certainly something. A Blue Hedgehog named Sonic managed to come down to Hell using the power of the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds to cause Chaos Control. Speaking of Chaos Emerald, we now have one in our possession, thanks to the Radio Demon.

Although something was very off. My friend, Angel Dust has been MIA ever since he met Sonic. I have a very bad feeling that this may involve the Overlords at the Studio. Knowing Valentino, he's up to something very bad that plans to hurt Angel. I want to figure out why, and I think it's time my ties with the Overlords comes to an end."


Inside of the Hazbin Hotel, Scarlet was walking around as he walks over to Angel Dust's room, figuring out that he's been gone for awhile now. This was deeply concerning him as he stood his back on the wall, taking a few deep breaths. He then takes the elevator back down as he walks over to the stage room, finding Sonic, Charlie, and Vaggie in the same room. Charlie and Vaggie were together discussing the hotel's future, while Sonic was on the balcony sleeping. 

Scarlet: What are you two discussing?

Charlie: Oh, Scarlet. It's honestly nothing much, we're were just talking about this hotel's future. 

Scarlet: Are you.. dwelling on it? 

Charlie: .. Well, a little... but it won't stop me. 

Sonic: Curious to ask, but what's this hotel all about? It can't just be for anyone staying momentarily and then just leaving. 

The three look up as they see Sonic up and sitting on top of the railing. 

Vaggie: This place is all about giving demons a second chance. If they go clean, then they'll be able to get a chance to go to heaven. It saves them from being killed during extermination day. 

Sonic: Extermination Day? 

Scarlet: It's a dark day for Hell, Sonic. Ever watch the movie called the Purge? 

Sonic: No. I don't watch scary stuff, it's not my shtick. 

Scarlet: Well, okay.. Gosh, how do I elaborate this? It's basically a "holiday" where people can vent their dark thoughts for 12 hours and go on a killing spree. It's like that, but Extermination Day lasts for a whole day and the demons are being killed by angels. But not me, cause... well, they can't catch me. 

Vaggie: That's an understatement. 

Scarlet: I like to see you try and attack me with that spear you got from a corpse. 

Vaggie: WHAT?!

Scarlet: Exactly. 

Charlie: Okay, let's not fight, please.

Scarlet: We're not fighting, Charlie. I'm just teasing around. You know me. 

Sonic: You three had a history?

Scarlet: I saved her from a horrible so called prince at her Prom about a year ago. So yeah, we do. As for Vaggie, she just hates me. Matter of fact, she hates men normally. Don't let her get to you, Sonic. 

Sonic: I won't. She can't even catch me even if she tried. 

He then jumps off the rails and lands in front of them. 

Charlie: So... what's it like back on your world?

Sonic: Mobius? Well, it's very peaceful, just like Earth. Well, it's basically still Earth but... that parts always screwy to be honest. Where I live, it's all green and alot of oceans around. You know, you should come to Mobius someday, Scarlet. 

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