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Chapter six | Riley

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5:20 am

It's around five in the morning and Roslyn is still asleep. I slowly move her arm from around my waist. To be honest after we kissed I don't know what happened. I know we didn't have sex for sure. I sat up and grabbed my phone to check my notifications. I see I got a miss call from my mom so I called her back.

"Hey moma." I say over the phone

"Hey sweetheart. I was just calling to see where you are." She says

"I stayed at Roslyn's house last night. Moma I think i'm falling for her." I say

"I love her baby, so when you're ready to tell her that tell her." She says

"Alright love you see you after school." I say

"Love you more." She says hanging up

I lean down and kiss Roslyn in the forehead before getting out of bed and going to take a shower.


It's been around I'll say thirty minutes. I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist before walking back into Roslyn's room.

I walk in to see her on her phone.

"Morning." I say

"Morning." She says

"I'll go get you something clothes for school if that's fine with you." She says

I nod.

She walked back into the room with black jeans, and black nike crew neck sweatshirt. For my shoes ima just wear my air forces.


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6:56 am

She walked back in her room ready for school. She wore a brown shirt with white leggings and slides. She wore her glasses making her look cute like always.

"Hey do you wanna ride with me today?" I ask her

"Yea sure." She says grabbing her things

We head downstairs I walk to my car and unlocking it before going to her side when opening her door.

"For you madam." I say

"Thank you sir." She says getting in

I close her door before making my way over to my side and getting in. I start the car up then I pull off. I put my hand on her thigh. Waiting for a reaction she didn't do anything but sit her hands on top of mines. I smile and put my focus back in the road.


We arrive to school. Before I could get out Riley made his way to my side opening the door for me. I grab my bag and phone before I get out his car.

"Thank you." I say

"You're welcome gorgeous." He says leaning down to kiss me

I start to back up then I pull him closer to me smashing my lips on his. I pull away slowly bitting my bottom lip smiling. I look around to see only a few people looking which doesn't bother me.

We walk into school with a couple stares. I try to think why. Then I turn to look at Riley's neck remembering last night and then I pull out my camera on my phone to see the hickes.

I leave Riley and walk over to Gloria. I tap her shoulder.

"Omg hey you're back." She says hugging me

"I've missed you so much." I say

She looks at me with a smirk.

"What. Why are you looking at me like that." I say

"Oh nothing just that you and Riley have the same situation going on, on your necks." She says

"Fine. It wasn't nothing much we just kis- I meant made out and that's all." I say

"Use protection." She says

"Shut up." I walking off to first period


Do y'all think they're moving to fast? If so let me know:)

A/N Do y'all think they're moving to fast? If so let me know:)

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