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Chapter thirteen | Roslyn

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It's been a couple days since well you know. It's my birthday oh and guess what my parents haven't even tried to call or anything. It's fine you know. It's currently four in the morning. I'm still packing for the trip with Riley which I should have been done but I was way too lazy. 

6:09 am

I decided that todays outfit is to be a long sleeve light beige dress with some sandals and a purse that match the shoes kind of and my necklace and earrings. For my hair I'm gonna do a slick back ponytail and do my edges.

I grab my things and go down stairs waiting for Riley to come down

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I grab my things and go down stairs waiting for Riley to come down. I slept in the guest room last night because he was acting like a bitch.

"Riley bring your white ass down here now." I yell upstairs

"I'm coming damn." He yells back

I continue you stand by the door with my bag and suitcase waiting.

"We're gonna be late." I yell

"Happy Birthday." He says handing me a gift basket

"Awe thank you." I say kissing his lips

"Okay now we gotta go for real." I say

I walk to the passenger side to get in while Riley puts our suitcases in the trunk.

We are about five minutes away from the school. Surprisingly I didn't want Starbucks today. But I did get me some chick-n-minis for Chick-Fil-A.

"What college are you thinking about going to?" Riley asks

"I really don't know maybe NYU I don't know really." I say

"Oh." He says

"What about you. I was thinking of Baylor University." He says

"We will see in the future where we go no need to worry now." I say

Never in a million years would so have thought that  I would be spending my eighteenth birthday with the love of my life instead of my parents.

I really have forgotten about them. They forgot about me so I can do the same. When me and Riley get to school we go our separate ways without saying anything.

I mean he can't be mad because I am thinking of going to New York he isn't. If he wants to act the size of his dick he can. Not that it's small or anything let me stop and focus.

To my surprise he didn't eve come to class. Like how the fuck are you gonna be suck a baby over a college I don't even know I want to go to.

As I'm lost in my thought I hear the intercom come on.

"Roslyn. I know i've been such a dick and stuff to you since we've started our relationship. But really it's that I love you Roslyn. I want to spend forever with you and make this the best birthday ever. Roslyn will you go to homecoming with me? I don't know send me a heart emoji for yes and a middle finger for no."

I send him a heart.

"It's a yes! It's a yes! I love you forever Roslyn. I promise i'll make it up to you. Have an amazing day Bay High School."

Im lost in my words so I just lay my head down smiling. Am I sorry for what I just thought of him? Hell nah.

2:06 pm

"Let's hit the road." Riley says leaving the school yard

I text Gloria to let her know we're leaving. I put my air pods in and look out the window. You know I gotta play me some Megan.

We're like only thirty minutes into the ride so this is gonna be a long one. Riley stops and a red light and looks over to me.

"Thank you." I say

"For what?" He asks

"For all of this Riley. We've been together for like three weeks and you make me feel so loved." I say brushing his cheeks

"I will always treat you like this love no matter what." He says

He pulls me into a kiss for a second before this old lady honks the horn at us.

Today i'm gonna be nice so so turn smile and dose off to sleep.

7:46 pm

We've finally made it to Orlando. The hotel we're staying in is at Disney. Fucking Disney yes I am eighteen and still love mickey mouse and stuff. Especially The Princess and The Frog you can never get enough of Tiana.

Short Chapter!! I'll try to get more out this week

***A/NShort Chapter!! I'll try to get more out this week

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