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Chapter nine | Riley

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I can tell that Roslyn is mad but little does she know the girl is her. After that night she told me to ask the girl out after my football game that's what I am doing. I am finally asking Roslyn to be my girlfriend. Not only that but with a promise. I have it all planned out. I went to Pandora the days she wasn't talking to me and I remembered her ring size is a seven so I bought her a promise ring from Pandora.

 I went to Pandora the days she wasn't talking to me and I remembered her ring size is a seven so I bought her a promise ring from Pandora

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I'm giving the ring to her best friend Gloria to hold while I'm in the game playing and everything. Then after once everyone come to the field we pray and have a pep talk. I got my coach to have all the players and everyone circle around us recording or whatever when I ask her. All I have to say is I hope she says yes.

I want to make a family with her I want to be there when she needs me. If you're thinking i'm moving fast me and Roslyn have know watching for over a year almost two and we've been talking sorta every since, and I've been in love with her every since.

8:46 am

"Riley." Gloria whispers

"Yea?" I question

"You've fucked up big time." She says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"She said she's not coming to the game anymore." She says

"What! She told me she would come." I says

"I know but you've lied to her two times and said that you clearly isn't interested in her." She says

"You have a point. Please get her to be there and don't show her the ring." I say

"Got it." She says

12:59 pm

It's my lunch period and I'm waiting for Roslyn at my table. But the devil had to show up. Personally she needs to die. Not that I wish death on anyone but her she just make me wanna kill myself. Just because I've been with her and everything dose not change what I have with Roslyn. Roslyn is different from all other girls. She's polite yet mean. She had no filter when it's comes to defending me. She I all I've ever wanted in a girl.

I was ruined from my daze of my beautiful soon to hopefully be girlfriend. From Atia.

"Has Mr. Riley and his girl toy had a argument." She says in a babyish tone

"No and it is not you're business anyways." I say

"Yes it is Riley I know you miss this body." She says moving her hands down her body

"I don't actually." I say rolling my eyes

"I know she doesn't give you head does she now?" She says

"For the record like I've said she is none of your business yet our relationship or sex life isn't none of your concern." I say

"Oops here she comes." She says smiling then she pulls herself on me kissing me where I only love the feeling of Roslyn's lips. Then she kisses my lips.

I push her off the see Roslyn leaving the cafeteria.

"Oops." She says

I throw her to the ground and run to find Roslyn. I look everywhere to find her. The classroom, the janitors closet. Then I hear crying in bathroom. I know I am not allowed to be in there but fuck it.

I walk in and find the stall she's in crying. I knock on the door and she unlocks and then closes it back once she see me.

"Roslyn let me explain please she isn't the girl I want." I say

"Roslyn the girl I have my eyes set on is so perfect I can't even explain how much she makes me want to have her in my life forever. She makes me live. Probably I would have been dead from a overdose now from her beauty on how perfect she is her beautiful white pearly teeth don't get me started on her hair. Her hair is like heaven sent from God. Her beautiful black curls. I love her beauty mark that's right about her lip on the left side. She is heaven sent and that's why I love her." I say

She opens the stall and smile.

"She's perfect hun." She say looking down

"Guess who that girl is." I say

"Gloria?" She asks

"What the fuck Roslyn i'm sorry but are you fucking stupid. The girl is you Roslyn." I say cupping her cheeks whipping her tears

"You love me?" She asks

"Yes I do love you Roslyn." I say smiling

"Okay." She says laughing

"What's so funny?" I ask

"Nothing." She says

"Okay then Eden." I say

7:26 pm

It's finally football season. I can't believe this is my last football season ever in high school. My last year for pep rally's. My last homecoming, prom my last high school experience. Well i'am on the field  preparing for them game with all my teammates and coach's.

"Okay remember the plan." I say

"Got it." They all say


I was kind of made to come to the game. I wasn't coming anymore even after he apologized and everything. I had other plans. Like watching Jane The Virgin again. I look for Riley's number he's number eleven. I see him looking up at me smiling and I smile back.

"Blushing much you think." Gloria says

"Girl what I am black." I say

"Sure." She say

"Why did you make me come?" I question

"Because you never miss a first game." She says

"I guess that true." I say.

You're gonna love the next chapter I promise

***A/N You're gonna love the next chapter I promise

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