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Chapter twelve | Riley

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Two Weeks Later

It's a Tuesday. Roslyn slept over last night. She's basically moved in since her deadbeat parents are never home. Also that ugly ass Atina, Atia  whatever her name is has just been bothering me and Roslyn non stop since I asked Roslyn out. Like bitch. How many times have I told you, you were just my fuck toy because I was always horny.

But anyways. Roslyn's birthday is three days away. I'm deciding if I want to take her to DisneyWorld or just get us a hotel. If you know. But the drive to DisneyWorld is like five hours away which I don't mind. Maybe I'll do both in Orlando. I'm thinking to leave Thursday after school and come back maybe Sunday or Monday. I will be missing this Fridays game but it's fine.

6:08 am

"What do you think about going out of town for your birthday just me and you." I ask

"Sure I don't mind." She says smiling

"Alright be packing tonight. It's a four to five day stay." I say smiling

"Mhm." She says

We brush our teeth, get dressed and everything the normal morning routine basically. Before we started our senior year our school had already set a prom, and graduation date. Prom is on April sixth, and graduation is May sixth. A month from each other. Great.


It's been two weeks since Riley's asked me out which means it's September now! Bitches it's my fucking birthday month. Three more days until your girl is officially eighteen. By the way my birthday is on the eleventh. Yes nine eleven. I don't know what my parents were thinking. Anyways from my calculations their is two hundred and forty days left of senior year.

I haven't applied to any colleges yet. I'm thinking about NYU or Harvard. Through high school I've always kept 4.3 gpa. Yeah I have always and still have been disrespectful in school and to everyone. It's that's since I can't fucking let it out on my parents I choose people who are always there for me and stuff. Which I need therapy for.

I never got put in detention or anything just suspended. Since "my parents help the school so much" them hoes ain't never home. If they don't come around in I'll say bout maybe five or seven years, and I am pregnant they are gonna tell me it's my fault. 


We finally made it to school. Surprisingly we aren't late like always. We take our different paths. I walk to my locker to grab text books and things like that. I feel someone staring at me. I slowly turn around to see Amonia what was her name again? Oh Atia I think. That's a ugly ass name.

"How can I help you?" I ask sarcastically

"Why did you take him from me." She say

"Take who? Oh Riley. Yea I am also pregnant." I say lying knowing damn well we haven't even had sex yet

"You are a whore like everyone said." She says point her finger in my face

"Get your motherfucking white ass crusty ass finger out my fucking face before I jump you again." I say

"Do something ni-." She says before so cut her off punching her in the cheek

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